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Who needs that Golden Gate Bridge when this one is all painted grey and boring right next to it… Poor Bay Bridge, does all the work with none of the fame. Was trying to do something different, different is not as easy as you would think with aviation photography. Its about taking locations that everyone uses and getting it to be totally different. I might think I can take a photo, I might have equipment that is much better at doing everything than I actually am, but in the end it comes down to wanting to take the time and effort to forge the last stream, get on a boat where you throw up between shots or simply do nothing and change angles on everything you shoot.. I picked the easy one, the last one.. 🙂 Don't hate me… #blueangels #fleetweeksf #fleetweek2014  

#airshowphotography #fleetweek2014 #blueangels2014  

Am i missing something here?  

In my daily job we bid on jobs.. with that we get notified of new bids.. I am not sure what this bid is about but I think I want to bid on it…  

NASA MSFCAt NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., where the nation’s journey to space began more than a half-century ago, a dedicated group of engineers, scientists and business professionals lead the development and testing of tomorrow’s flagship space vehicles, space systems and rocket engines. We pursue cutting-edge scientific discoveries that improve and protect lives on Earth. And we work to discover the secrets of the universe, in…

08 Oct 2014 admin In G+ Posts

New AC/DC!

Well today sucked but at least the sunset was cool….  

06 Oct 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Can you say…. Expensive…..  

I remember when animation did not look like this….  

02 Oct 2014 admin In G+ Posts

OH the memories….!@@#$%%##

I think these 3 photographers did not get the shot they were really looking for…  

Seems like an mix of many services out there but would be an easy way to find help in the world out there. – SnapSupport SnapSupport – The easiest way to get instant help.SnapSupport is the easiest way to get instant help. For anything. From anywhere. For free.

27 Sep 2014 admin In G+ Posts Tags: ,

Ha… Repair kit for iPhone 6…… Excellent… Originally shared by +Wilco Wings #iPhone6 repair kit #BendGate  

Cannot even see the road in Fairfield – Thunder, lightning, dogs and cats living together…  

26 Sep 2014 admin In G+ Posts

‘Shellshock’ Bug ‘Shellshock’ Bug Spells Trouble for Web Security — Krebs on SecurityAs if consumers weren’t already suffering from breach fatigue: Experts warn that attackers are exploiting a critical, newly-disclosed security vulnerability present in countless networks and Web sites that rely on Unix and Linux operating systems. Experts say the flaw, dubbed “Shellshock,” is so …

Not perfect based on data center use vs. sitting home use but quite telling on what drives to truly avoid… Very interesting Data Sets from +Backblaze Backblaze Blog » Hard Drive Reliability Update – Sep 2014At Backblaze we now have 34881 drives and store over 100 petabytes of data. We continually track how our disk drives are doing, which ones are reliable, and which ones need to be replaced. I did a blog post back in January, called “What Hard Drive Should I Buy?” It covered the reliability of …

24 Sep 2014 admin In G+ Posts


24 Sep 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Originally shared by +John Pozadzides (John P.) This would be AWESOME!  

427 million restarts and the computer is rebuilt..  

23 Sep 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Runs the full Android OS – Syncs with your phone – Works when not connected to phone and uses wi-fi – This might be the wrist based computer I have been looking for.. very interesting +Rufus Labs  

21 Sep 2014 admin In G+ Posts


21 Sep 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Follow the leader…. Follow the leader…USAF Follow the leader Thunderbirds F16 Planes

Ok this is pretty interesting as far as medical concepts go… DARPA Is Developing Tiny Implants That Trigger Self-Healing | IFLScienceThroughout the last 100 years, the world has witnessed incredible advances in medicine that have dramatically improved the lives of the sick. But while there may be more drugs on the market than you could possibly fathom, many diseases can’t be treated by popping pills. That’s why DARPA is working towards a futuristic medical implant that not only continuously monitors the condition of your organs, but also helps your body heal itself when proble…

Now this is a great new feature…!