Tired of massive photo communities were you get lost in the stream
Join us in the TWIP community.. Where you can ask and get answers and not just be a number… We are smaller, more nimble and your questions might appear on the show…. Like the Cheetah of the photo communities… View this post on Google+
31 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Bringing sexy back to the Dr office with photo filters
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31 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Great update to the mobile app today
Moderators can now approve posts etc… Thank you Google….  View this post on Google+
30 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
This is totally awesome
– I will be amending our Employee polices tonight.. 🙂Verizon finds US developer outsourced his job to China so he could surf Reddit and watch cat videos No, this is not the Onion, it’s not April Fools, and I’m not making this up. All of this comes straight from Verizon, or more specifically, a case study from 2012 outlined by its security team. See also – Verizon investigator: How one US developer could have gotten away with outsourcing his job to China The story goes a little something like this. A developer at a US-based critical infrastructure company, referred to as “Bob,” was caught last year outsourcing his work to China, paying someone else less than one fifth of his six-figure salary to do his job. As a result, Bob had a lot of time on his hands; in fact, during the investigation, his browsing history revealed this was his typical work day: 9:00 a.m. – Arrive and surf Reddit for a couple of hours. Watch cat videos.11:30 a.m. – Take lunch.1:00 p.m. – Ebay time.2:00 – ish p.m Facebook updates – LinkedIn.4:30 p.m. – End of day update e-mail to management.5:00 p.m. – Go home.Again, I want to emphasize […]
29 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Have to agree – Manners are dead in our youth of today
oday.. well it is at least very rare to find anymore… especially on the street…   Reshared post from +CopTalk Whatever Happened To Manners? January 26th 2013 Webster’s definition of manners: Etiquette, Decorum, Refinement, Good Manners, Polite ways of social behavior. I was on patrol the other day when I saw three teens crossing the street. Actually, they were jaywalking but what caught my attention was that two of them were eating from a fast food bag and dropping the wrappers in the street as they walked. I stopped next to them and asked them if they dropped something. After a few replies of “huh?, I asked them how they would like it if I went to their house and threw a bunch of garbage and wrappers in their yard and their reply was “this ain’t nobody’s yard”. I felt like asking them if their mama ever taught them any manners but from the looks of how these rebel teens acted, I already knew the answer. I told them I didn’t appreciate them throwing their garbage down in my city and I made them walk back in the street to pick up the wrappers. The only real satisfaction I got […]
27 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Tired of serious topics filling you G+ – Need a mental break from thinking about…
Tired of serious topics filling you G+ – Need a mental break from thinking about our world falling apart and politics? – Here you go – reply below in the comments.. :) This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
26 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
 J.J. Abrams to direct new ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ film The filmmaker moves from ‘Star Trek’ to another sci-fi pop-culture franchise. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
25 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Now this is interesting
Death of the Password….? I know I would not mind… http://www.yubico.com/2013/01/google-protocol-yubico-identity-vision/ Google protocol & Yubico identity vision I have always loved Google. So far the company has created the world’s best search engine, email system and maps. And now, this Internet Giant has revealed that it is giving the world a new security protocol. The protocol is designed to be integrated across a wide range of authentication hardware, including SIM cards, Yubikey NEOs or a ring you carry on your finger. It is primarily based on open standards, so not really revolutionary as it is. However, if implemented cleverly, the protocol holds the potential to solve some of the fundamental problems with online identity. And these are problems we need to fix soon. Very soon. Or billions of people, along with the great creation named the Internet, will be in serious trouble. At this stage we cannot say which route Google will choose to ensure mass adoption of their security protocol. But we can say that Yubico has decided to engage in the project as we believe it could be a game changer. And this is the vision:  Imagine that you have one single key and one single password to […]
24 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
This is terrible news for +500px – not that they can really protest but I sure hope…
This is terrible news for +500px – not that they can really protest but I sure hope they do.. Guess this is why I like Android….. well one reason…  Reshared post from +Michael Soliman Apple is pulling the 500px and ISO500 apps from the App Store on the grounds that these apps provide access to "pornography". This isn't anything new by Apple. I'm just saddened because 500px–a site of very high quality photography–is one of my sources of inspiration. Thoughts? 500px got the App Store axe, but what about all these other R-rated apps? Apple has removed photography community app 500px from the App Store for allowing access to nude images, despite a hoard of other apps that provide even more NSFW content. But this isn’t just another … View this post on Google+
24 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Just in case anyone here works on cars 12V systems or other 12v electrical projects…
Just in case anyone here works on cars 12V systems or other 12v electrical projects – we have an online store we are closing up that sells Power Probe diagnostic tools… www.powerprobeonline.com If you ever wanted one – grab one now as we are blowing out all our remaining inventory…. Info: The Power Probe line of products are state of the art automotive circuit testers. Whether you’re just working on your car at home or you're servicing a fleet of commercial vehicles, Power Probe products are here to save you from the headaches and extra cost that come from hard to find or misdiagnosed electrical problems. Once you've connected a Power Probe device to your vehicle battery you will have an amazing variety of testers at your fingertips… Measure VoltageTest ContinuityPower-Up ComponentsTest Bad GroundsListen to Active Audio ChannelsDetect Alternator RippleCapture Min/Max Voltage Readings20ft Lead Gives You Freedom to Move This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
23 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Great stuff +Glove and Boots  This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
23 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Like Airplanes? Come and share in our Aviation Community
Also check out this Aviation Photo Community run by +Chris Buff  https://plus.google.com/communities/112482743098197644272 View this post on Google+
23 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
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23 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Not saying I do this
But….. This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
21 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Fitbit – the data you give to me is confirming that some nights are good and some…
Fitbit – the data you give to me is confirming that some nights are good and some nights are not so good for sleep data…. (this night was a known not so good one) can I return you for providing me data I do not want to see… Much easier to live in a life of denial… Personal Data Capture is interesting.. if not annoying all at the same time… View this post on Google+
20 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Well – here is my photo of the week – because a photo a day sure was not going…
Well – here is my photo of the week – because a photo a day sure was not going to happen this year….. Yes its only 18 days in – so that says something.. Such an interesting issue to maintain goals when the paying work is not photography…. and must get done or your business will not succeed for the rest of eternity… Reaching that balance is always interesting.. much like the medical issues I contend with.. it is all about attaining some kind of mental, physical and social balance… View this post on Google+
19 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Finally a Pinball game on Android that is worth playing
Why did nobody tell me about this? And yes it costs money – what many would call expensive.. but the level of detail is exceptional…. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.farsight.AndroidPinball.javaProject&hl=en View this post on Google+
19 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
You are go for drop
Found this while going back through piles of old photos I have been given over the years from fires and places that use our emergency lighting equipment….. This one was quite impressive…. This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
18 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
First Motorcycle equipped with an Oar – Yes Like a boat Oar
In album Read the usage instructions… Only 50 Available in the US – Quite possibly if this came in black it would be the best Zombie invasion motorcycle ever… Funny part is these side car Motorcycles are very cool… and I was considering getting one as they are 2wd…  2012 Ural Yamal Limited Edition Sidecar Motorcycle Snow, and ice-and better yet-permafrost as far as the eyes can see. They call it the Yamal Peninsula, which translates as the end of the Earth. A peninsula in Russia, which is known for being nothing short of inhospitable, barren, and perpetually frozen. What a perfect namesake then for a Russian icebreaker. These ships spend their days forging paths through the impasse that is the frozen Arctic Ocean, just north of Siberia. Heavy, rugged, and focused intently on their mission, these boats are truly one of a kind.When we chose our inspiration for the 2012 limited edition, we struck upon the brilliance of the Yamal. A vessel designed to conquer any impasse, a vessel that may not always make sense, but one which—when speaking to the right people—is absolutely necessary. Our bikes are much like this strange breed of sea-going vessel: durable, dependable, and […]
18 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Caption Contest: As seen by an Australian Photographer
something seems a bit wrong here… "Biting off more than I can chew!" I do not think he is here on G+https://www.facebook.com/scott.harris.54966 View this post on Google+
17 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Interesting talk…..
Interesting talk….. Reshared post from +Frederick Van Johnson In this TED talk, underwear model Cameron Russell delivers an antithetical look into the life of a modern model. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
17 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
And all of these points are true
well unless your one of the people that is starting these myths…then they would be false to you and in turn you will not like this post.. but in the land of denial all things work differently… 🙂 Reshared post from + http://photofocus.com/2013/01/16/10-more-myths-about-photography/ 10 MORE Myths About Photography It must be true because I read it on the Internet – or so goes the lead in to hundreds of emails, Tweets, etc that I receive telling me that I must be wrong about this or that. It’s inc… View this post on Google+
16 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
+Glove and Boots 
+Glove and Boots  Published on Nov 21, 2012 Please download tutorial files here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sm1gp1c28755j78/flSmICuKbU This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
15 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
Hmmmm……. Hey +LastPass is this new prompt in chrome based on an issue? Or simply based on the fact the installer package to allow pop up server style password prompts installs in a way that Chrome does not like..? Never had an issue, never seen any issues…. till this new thing… Or is this more a Beta item from the Beta Channel like I am running that will eventually not be an issue? Running Chrome:Version 25.0.1364.29 beta-m View this post on Google+
15 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by
We should go back to having this tech in our cars
Ipod – Bluetooth…. BAH! http://youtu.be/S0hRzEihsR4 This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
14 Jan 2013 in G+ Posts, by