kPrefix”>+Alfie Goodrich makes some great points here….. learn the rules but never be afraid to break them….. Comment back to his thread: Reshared post from +Alfie Goodrich +"Don't do HDR", "don't use a 50mm lens to shoot ladies", don't do this, don't do that…. To all the new people following me on G+ and all the people out there who care about photography who I know, you'll never find me telling you NOT to do things with your camera [apart from 'never beat your children over the head with it']. Here, however, is a small list of things you should ALWAYS try and do…. Always try and make the next picture better than the previous one. Always try to have fun with your camera. Always spend some time every week looking at other photographer's work. Always try new things. Always try some old things too. As regards post-processing, in the dark or with the lights on, always know when to stop. Processing is like coooking: you dont need to throw all the flavours in to every dish and you still need to taste the original ingredients through the things you have added. It pays to look down. It pays […]