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Do you Sync you images with the Cloud? Better read the terms – Even for private files Worth a read if you are implementing cloud backup and storage this coming year or just want to store your private images…. So with the death of Windows Live Mesh, a service I use daily to sync my machines with work. I am on the hunt for another solution. More than likely it will be Google Drive or Microsoft Skydrive. But both are technically lacking features that Live Mesh did very well and that is an issue…like P2P syncing above and beyond storage limits. Then I come across this article – where a private cloud folder had some nude images in it and in turn his entire account was suspended and was never reopened. Thus he lost his entire account and all apps purchased etc…This is a big issue – especially these days with so much riding on each of our cloud accounts. If my Google Account was closed I would be literally screwed… Very worrisome if you are not aware it can even happen. This is a very interesting issue for many, but maybe not so many it matters to Microsoft… It just […]

30 Dec 2012 admin In G+ Posts

But it's not…  View this post on Google+

Trying to be a bit more interesting….. Hey look its not a beautiful Model, but for me at least and with my love of aircraft.. it is still very cool…. #aviationphotography   View this post on Google+

Hmm – started tracking sleep patterns just for fun I would say this might be part of the reason why I am really tired every day… I would think this being a weekend.. I usually get much less than this… we shall see the quality of reporting from the FitBit….  +Fitbit  #fitbit   View this post on Google+

So far it looks very good and clean. As we Vbulletin users can attest sometimes VB boards are quite messy on mobile. The best forum app now optimized for Android tablets Introducing Tapatalk HD for Android tablets – built specifically for the latest Android 4 Ice-cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean systems – you're getting a full tablet experience on forums with split views and other interface enhancement that works great on tablets with 7" or bigger screen. Features: – New – Gallery view on bigger forums, discover new discussions by photos– New – Push Notification – instant notification of subscribed topics, private messages, likes received, mentioned, and more!– Portrait and Landscape view optimized– Forum Moderation – stick, open, close, delete, ban and more– Dark and Light themes…and all the features you would find from the already amazing Tapatalk Forum App for phone! ** This is a beta version that works until version 1.0 available, estimated to hit the store at around end of January 2013. By downloading and using this app, you will be offered to purchase the full 1.0 version with huge discount. ** +Gina Trapani +Jeff Jarvis  View this post on Google+

I cannot believe people still play Farmville…  This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Reshared post from +Brent Burzycki Do you take shortcuts? – this is for all of us that do not shoot everyday. If that is you I am curious if you tend to take shortcuts when shooting. If that is time or set or props or not paying for models or whatever you might do or not even realize you might do… Trying to enjoy a few minutes to re-edit a few older shots…I need a month off from my week off.. I guess that is what happens when you take no time off all year and then only get a week based on all your employees going out at very strategic times… or as I like to call it General Manager Murphy's Law…. I will be trying to up my game in 2013 based on what I have learned here on G+ and the fact if your going to mess around with photography why not make it better each time…. I have lacked any drive and I think many non "professionals" that do not do it lately can easily get pulled into short cuts… I am sure I will still take many… and it is better to get any shot than the perfect shot, […]

#cartoons #olavfolland he is trending…. #androidphotography  View this post on Google+

Made a few changes…. Re-Crop, changed around some settings etc… I think I agree with most that a different crop works better…. It is why I love getting input from the G+ photo community…. well actually part of me hates it but I tell that part to shut up and learn something…. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

In album Yesterday I thought +500px was totally broken .. or something had gone interestingly sideways in their calculations .. or they were being gamed… as you can see from the below… these were the top most popular images….page 1 The single image below was the most popular… Nothing wrong with any of those photos..per say… but they are not what I expect to see on the front page of 500px when i go there and cry to myself that the work there is so much more epic than mine…. I thought I would make a play for the front page with this image to see what happened… Gladly I can report that the site is all fixed and I am back where I need to be… on page 20 or popular – vs. on the front page 🙁 – But I am also glad the issue is fixed… and actually quite impressed with myself for once getting up to 95.5 for the first time ever… 500px can be a interesting and finicky mistress when it comes to voting… and yes "its not all about the votes.. I use it for inspiration…" – Just like I read playboy for the articles… Sometimes a good ego boost is what we […]

As I come to the end of 2012 I am looking for some lost images that needed a lot more TLC than I knew how to give when I first shot them…. this model deserved more than the first run results…. Well they looked good back then but now when i look at them – my eye has changed greatly.. What you you all think? Also seeing many are Lightroom users – does anyone know specifically how Lightroom handles Presets – do they stack? or is each individually run on the original image? #glamour   #glamourphotography   View this post on Google+

Support +Sharon Strandskov and her ability to take great photos of her amazingly yummy looking recipes.  I will report back on the yumminess factor after I both learn to bake and read more of the ebook… Pretty Please… This ebook is a sneak preview of a book I will be publishing next year, highlighting 22 of my most popular recipes, including photos for each. View this post on Google+

26 Dec 2012 admin In G+ Posts

So loved Thunderbirds…. Maybe I will need to re watch the series thus holiday…. Reshared post from +Danny Sullivan RIP Gerry Anderson. I can see my Thunderbird 2 & Space: 1999 Eagle models on my bookshelf as I think of you. Thunderbirds creator Anderson dies Gerry Anderson, creator of the Thunderbirds and Joe 90 puppet superhero TV shows, has died at the age of 83, his son announces. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Some Christmas morning listening with +Scott Bourne and +Frederick Van Johnson Reshared post from + Photofocus with Special Guest Frederick Van Johnson NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE: The Photofocus Podcast Feed HAS CHANGED! Here is the new feed: feed:// Download episode here… or get it on iTunes PLEASE BE P… View this post on Google+

all worlds should look like Tron… PS: I want  a Lightcycle… #tron   #tronuprising   This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

And people say they do not need a tripod This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

25 Dec 2012 admin In G+ Posts

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Mine just took a dump in the middle of my kitchen.. that's right… on Christmas Eve…could be slightly problematic…. Need lots of freezer space and all the cool features.. I know you tech G+ ers are all rocking the coolest Refrigerators…. Suggestions? Was looking at an LG – Like this: But I think 3400 bucks might be a bit out of my range…. View this post on Google+

#myspace   #myspaceinvite   View this post on Google+

Maybe the kids are all actually correct about Santa ….and the adults are the ones that are wrong…. Starting early this year…. View this post on Google+

+Glove and Boots  This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Now that's what I am talking about….. View this post on Google+

24 Dec 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Hmmmmm…….  View this post on Google+

In album Auto Correct keeps my daily life so much more interesting…. especially with customers… One product I sell daily autocorrects to "Condom" so I sell a heck of a lot of condoms… Mostly from  #autocorrect   #autocorrectfail   This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Free… Reshared post from + Free Photoshop Actions From Panos FX Would you like some free Photoshop actions? One of my favorite sites is Panos FX. They regularly push the boundaries of what Photoshop can do. You’ll find cool things from postcards and fil… View this post on Google+