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12 Oct 2012 admin In G+ Posts

In album And I am pretty sure When I listen to Pantera I want to punch everyone in the face…. This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

12 Oct 2012 admin In G+ Posts

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Mystery giant eyeball washes up in Florida : Mystery giant eyeball washes up in Florida Can you identify this eyeball? A huge softball-sized eyeball has washed up on the shores of Pompano Beach, Fla., and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has sent it off for study to … View this post on Google+

If you are a Verizon Customer I would take a minute to check this link and opt out of Privacy issues you might have an issue with… This relates to CPNI – or Customer Propriety Network Information FYI – At least Verizon is giving us a choice to opt out – other like ATT require many more steps to opt out of these items. Not a new story but worth bringing up again.. Also here is the ATT Link to opt out: Embedded Link This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

We are not getting closer on page usability.. Now to fix notifications and private messaging and we are really having g a heck of a product… Reshared post from +OMG!Droid We asked, +Google+ listened! Google+ Android app finally updated with support for page owners! All I can say about this one is, it’s about time. The Google+ app just got a HUGE update. The latest version includes a ton of new stuff, but most notably, page owners can now view, post, and comment … View this post on Google+

Here is a suggestion – if you see this in your Rear View – It is not closer than it appears…. View this post on Google+

11 Oct 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Honey I will drive slow… Honest….. Reshared post from +BMW Our DTM racing driver Augusto Farfus promised his wife to not drive too fast, as he took her to the Nordschleife. Well, let's see… This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

11 Oct 2012 admin In G+ Posts

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post eye surgery …. I call that look the WTF is this on my head mom pose… Comment Contest Photo bring them on… PS: I am pretty sure if you do not +1 this or reshare it the entire world will catch on fire and Myspace will be the new social network to be at…. View this post on Google+

PS: if you knew me – you would really laugh at this…. This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

I have finally postulated the scientific answer to my problems for #science Monday……… I know it basic math… But the final solution is a lot of hard work…  View this post on Google+

09 Oct 2012 admin In G+ Posts

YES TRUE ….. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Well it's Sunday  I desperately need more sleep and more weekend but since I am tired of working on real work it was time to edit a photo and see what happens when I post it here on G+. Many ask me daily why I like G+, I say interaction, many say they have tried it and they here crickets,  I say try harder….. many will say both positive and negative things about this shot… I say keep it up… this is easily the best community for photos (see how I did not just say photographers) out there…  Now I would love to see a few things added: – Better private messaging – Ability to add multiple links inside a post and more formatting options – And the ability to add photos to comments, this would be great but probably also a disaster, but should be an option as following up on a post with new or related images would be a nice addition. – I would love a way to archive my current site here to G+ – like with a WordPress importer or some way to backup hundred of posts I had prior to G+ here in my stream without pissing off everyone in the process. Also a […]

Anyone have any more suggestions on what you like to use daily? Strangely the original post on this seems to be gone from my stream which is somewhat annoying as that had a pile of great comments on it, but all those suggestions were worked into this list. Anyone have a suggestion for a good overall app that allows remapping the shutter to a physical button on the phone? #androidography   #androidphotography  +Android Photographers  Reshared post from +Brent Burzycki *ANDROID USERS – Please list up your favorite Android Camera Apps*  A list to get you started as a new Android Phone owner….I have used at least all of these and then a pile of terrible apps – they all are worth looking at and choosing for yourself.. In the end I really have one or two I use daily… List of your favorites and with +1's we can vote on the best apps out there…. PANO APPS: Photoaf Pano – Pano – – Highly Rated ProCapture – Camera & Panorama – Panorama – HDR: PRO HDR Camera – HDR Camera (+) – – Free & Paid Versions *General Apps:*  Vignette – Camera360 – Camera – Lightbox – FLICKR – Google Goggles […]

In album Календарь 2012 года от фотографа Леляк Константин Good to see another Glamour/Fashion Photographer over here on G+ – +Konstantin Lelyak – Some excellant work on his site and on his 500px site… Reshared post from +Konstantin Lelyak View this post on Google+

07 Oct 2012 admin In G+ Posts

This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

#photoaday   #aviationphotography   #aviation   This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Seems like a fun way to find cool hidden things to see and check out…That said is it working for people? View this post on Google+

So I saw this as a post on my Facebook today and then I read the comments and was sort of amazed at what I read.. as you might know the Bay Area is a pretty Anti War machine area… Share it out to your friends also.. I am very interested to see what people might think.. I will post my thoughts in the comments below also.. And please feel free to state your true feelings… For those that have seen the Blue Angels Fly – What is your opinion? What do they represent to you? Here is the google document I saw also: A quick survey of Bay Area residents' attitudes toward the Blue Angels' annual Fleet Week visit to San Francisco. Results to be announced later this weekend/early next week via Twitter:@daudig. Thanks for your responses! —Dave  How do you feel about the Blue Angels' annual visit to San Francisco? *123456789101 Hate it! 10 Love it! Which words best describe the Blue Angels? (Check all that apply—Shift-click to choose multiple answers) * Exciting Too loud Beautiful Scary Patriotic Militaristic Technologically cool Wasteful Inspiring Traumatic Other:  Where do you live? * What's your zip code? Are you a native of San Francisco or the Bay Area? * What's your sex? * […]

06 Oct 2012 admin In G+ Posts Tags:

If you have not had a chance to check out ONG BAK 2And you like martial arts fighting movies.. this one is quite well done and not the atypical martial arts film.. it just seems more intense in many respects… And heck – it has Elephants….! And it's free if you have Amazon Prime Streaming.. #ongbak2   View this post on Google+

Now Fleet Week 2012 – Hopefully going to make it down there at some point this year to grab a few more photos…. I could have a fleet week once a month…… #fleetweek   #blueangels   #aviationphotography   View this post on Google+

05 Oct 2012 admin In G+ Posts

cool… and this has to be the best preview ever….. Reshared post from +Team Coco CONAN Highlight: "Star Trek Into Darkness" SNEAK PEEK – Director JJ Abrams gives an exclusive first look at the highly anticipated sequel. Live long and prosper, JJ. J.J. Abrams Gives An Exclusive Sneak Peek of “Star Trek Into Darkness” Yes, the “Star Trek Into Darkness” clip is only three frames long, but still! It’s Spock! This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

So it's October – Does anyone know when the new iTunes and the new iPod touches are actually going to ship.. Clearly Apple does not…. View this post on Google+

#photoaday   Changing it up once again…… I tend to try to supply something to the models I work with something different – something they have not had handed to them before… sometimes it works.. sometimes its a risk…. I think we all need to take a few risks – even if those might hurt a bit you will learn from them… #glamour   #glamourphotography   View this post on Google+

Well here is my new attempt at something new and different from my normal style for today… I would love to hear feedback on what people think… photographers and non photographers alike… Trying to branch out and look into different editing and shooting techniques… #photoaday   #glamour   #glamourphotography   View this post on Google+