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In album 2013-08-28 10 minutes to be seen, 5 minutes to be discharged – 3 hrs for blood tests that are all normal… hmm.. well since normal is relative, I guess that makes the way I felt today totally "normal" … bring it on billing department.. at least the nurse was cute….and nice… Have to say for a local Hospital and ER, San Ramon Regional is very nice with super nice staff. Sadly they were not able to do all other blood tests I need to get done, but those will come soon enough.. pretty tired of feeling like a crap popsicle…. going to have to deal with this once and for all.. PS: I could not call myself a photographer without taking at least two photos.. I should have asked the nurse to model for a shoot… I must have been feeling bad not to do that… View this post on Google+

Shot forever ago – edited today… I took this back in 2005 , never touched it.. hmm.. Gave it a re-edit and found an image in it anyway… as I have said before the re-eval of a long time set of works is worth the time if not for anything to learn how styles and tastes have changed and see what skills you can use to play with old images….  

I took this back in 2005 , never touched it.. hmm.. Gave it a re-edit and found an image in it anyway… as I have said before the re-eval of a long time set of works is worth the time if not for anything to learn how styles and tastes have changed and see what skills you can use to play with old images…. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

I say semi sarcastically…  

I say semi sarcastically…  View this post on Google+

27 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

UT OH!  

27 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

UT OH! This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

27 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

That sums me up…  

27 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

 This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

26 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Wow – +500px makes me look like a hack every single day… CURVESCURVES was published using 500px, the world’s best photo sharing community.

Wow – +500px makes me look like a hack every single day… CURVES CURVES was published using 500px, the world’s best photo sharing community. This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

25 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Stare…Should you re-edit your own shots… the answer is yes.. always take time to go back through your older images and see how your new techniques and tools can change the image…

25 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Stare… Should you re-edit your own shots… the answer is yes.. always take time to go back through your older images and see how your new techniques and tools can change the image… View this post on Google+

One of the best Photoshop tutorials I have seen….

 This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Re-editing older shots – Yes you should….  

Re-editing older shots – Yes you should…. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

24 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Weapons training Cliff Notes… just in case you might forget…  

24 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

just in case you might forget… This post has been reshared 6 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

This is great air drop footage of the Rim Fire near Yosemite…. What a mess this fire is turning into….

What a mess this fire is turning into….  View this post on Google+

I have finally figure it all out…..  

I have finally figure it all out….. This post has been reshared 12 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Just backed it.. looks interesting.. Thanks to +Chris Chabot for the share out…. See what it does here: Originally shared by +Chris Chabot Capture Camera Clip v2: Last 48 hours of the campaign! I received special pre-order edition of my The Capture Camera Clip v2 a few days ago. I had to go for the special limited 'naked' (non painted) edition since it just looks killer with this camera. Their offices are just a few blocks away from me I thought I'd go by to say hello and tell them how awesome I think their product is, they're such awesome folks and their passion for photography and their products really shine through. If you're not familiar with it yet: You fasten a plate (square red thing in the image) to your camera like you would with a tripod plate, put the clip on your belt, backpack, or anywhere else really and you can now hang out camera off it & you now always have your camera handy without it hitting you as it's dangling around on a strap around your neck. Next to that the clip is also usable on a tripod, they have a few models, the one […]

22 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

.. looks interesting.. Thanks to +Chris Chabot for the share out…. See what it does here: Reshared post from +Chris Chabot Capture Camera Clip v2: Last 48 hours of the campaign! I received special pre-order edition of my The Capture Camera Clip v2 a few days ago. I had to go for the special limited 'naked' (non painted) edition since it just looks killer with this camera. Their offices are just a few blocks away from me I thought I'd go by to say hello and tell them how awesome I think their product is, they're such awesome folks and their passion for photography and their products really shine through. If you're not familiar with it yet: You fasten a plate (square red thing in the image) to your camera like you would with a tripod plate, put the clip on your belt, backpack, or anywhere else really and you can now hang out camera off it & you now always have your camera handy without it hitting you as it's dangling around on a strap around your neck. Next to that the clip is also usable on a tripod, they have a few models, the one I have is the […]