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Make sure to check the box Well if you wan to be included in the share and for people to easily add you with the circle share…… This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Pano Photographer Circle – Do you want to be added – please post here, This circle is for both those that are active and those that want to learn, talk and trade ideas about becoming a better Pano Photographer Note: If you are on this list and do not want to be please let me know… Brent Burzycki shared a circle with you. This post has been reshared 5 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

If you shoot panos and are willing to join us to learn and talk panos, pano equipment and techniques – READ BELOW Here are the ways to get listed up and into peoples circles: #1 – Add the people from this circle to your own Pano Circle #2 – Add yourself to these lists: Google+Counter: #3 – Introduce yourself here and we can all start a conversation….. We are trying to form an active Pano Community… so if you are shooting them or wanting to learn…. Get signed up…. Also please re-share this if you know others that would be interested.. This post has been reshared 5 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

I need to know if anyone has a Pano Circle they are willing to share or if we should start one that I can share out to people.. For discussing Pano equipment and techniques….. anyone? Or post them all and I can combine them and share it back… I need to buy Pano equipment and need some input for hopefully onger than a post or two.. as in trying to create a group of Pano-ers This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

10 Oct 2011 admin In G+ Posts Tags:

Ok last one for today…. man this shooting then editing thing is out of hand…. I usually wait weeks to edit shots….. So the other pano's were from my phone.. this was from my canon G10…. Hey go figure.. its better quality…. This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Strange 9/11 motif to it.. Coastguard and Law Enforcement ships in the bay, low flying jumbo jet headed toward a major landmark…… Just brings back memories even 10 years later….. View this post on Google+

10 Oct 2011 admin In G+ Posts

In album When you are handed poop conditions you need to make poopcicles….. This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

10 Oct 2011 admin In G+ Posts

In album 2011-10-09 2011-10-09 This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Well – Sunday's Blue Angel performance was cut short today due to the approaching fog and in the interest of safety – At least they flew over a few times.. but that's a huge letdown when yesterday was perfect.. Thank you SF fog…. Thou the Sonic Boom from an earlier performer set off every car alarm on Treasure Island….!! Pretty sure he will be in trouble for that…..but I chalk that up to once in a once in a lifetime sort of thing to see planes going super sonic over Alcatraz….and I personally thank him for doing it…. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Support your Military San Francisco Fleet Week 2011……… This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

09 Oct 2011 admin In G+ Posts

Ut oh sonic boom over sf View this post on Google+

Stupid pano camera…….. View this post on Google+

Ok the photos from here might not be the best but the parking was killer…….. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

09 Oct 2011 admin In G+ Posts

Holy…….smokes……. View this post on Google+

Trying to make it to SF….well Treasure Island to try to see Fleet Week…traffic is terrible…..we will see how this goes View this post on Google+

09 Oct 2011 admin In G+ Posts

Brent Burzycki shared a circle with you. This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Updated Glamour Photographer Circle – Now that we can share up to 500 at once……this is much easier… Brent Burzycki shared a circle with you. This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

09 Oct 2011 admin In G+ Posts

Hdr camera + on droid 3 View this post on Google+

09 Oct 2011 admin In G+ Posts

Mmmmmmmm bacon…… View this post on Google+ This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

.. winner got a MPIX standoff of the image they wanted from my portfolio… 85 buck value and the standouts look killer…. Just ask the winner…. because he is the one that told me… I will do another one as I approach 20,000…. Appreciate all the new followers…! Reshared post from +Brent Burzycki Well it seems I will easily surpass 10,000 followers today it seems…. so to celebrate this I will be giving away a print to someone (Who I have no idea – its not a contest) but to someone that wants either one of my Thunderbirds Aviation shots or and I have no idea how you will decide – or one of my Glamour prints…… I will give the winner of the non-contest a choice and ship it out when I get my head above water… So all you need to do is toss a comment here with one of the following words… AVIATIONorGLAMOUR And when I hit 10,000 I will pick one of the commenters at random and you will win (well if it was a contest) Honestly its just a simple thank you for following.. I would love to give out 10,000 prints…but then I would […]

08 Oct 2011 admin In G+ Posts Tags:

In album October 8, 2011 (2 photos) I was working on this for fun…. what the heck I will post it… Its just fun.. its overdone but its also interesting…. at least to me.. View this post on Google+

08 Oct 2011 admin In G+ Posts

In album October 8, 2011 October 8, 2011 This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

So I know there is a single fee to (C) images Approximately 45.00 That said how many images do you submit at once and if you submit a pile of images how do you classify the work? Title of this work? etc? Form Link: Embedded Link U.S. Copyright Office U.S. Copyright Office is an office of public record for copyright registration and deposit of copyright material. This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

+David Nightingale does some killer post work – I have been following his work for a couple years now…. I already bought this course because of time issues with work and not being able to catch it all live for free… That said the creative live courses are some of the best I have seen offered… FREE: Dramatic Post-Production with David NightingaleInstructor:David NightingaleDate:3-Day Weekend WorkshopStarts:October 7, 2011 9:00AMEnds:October 9, 2011 9:00AM Join David Nightingale for a LIVE ONLINE workshop as he delves into the subtle power of enhacing your images with post-processing techniques. This special 3-day workshop combines two of David's most popular courses: Creating Dramatic Images: During this intensive workshop, David will provide you with the skills you need to dramatically improve both your photography and post-production. You'll learn how to work through the processes that are needed to create a dramatic image, both before and after pressing the shutter. + Practical HDR: Based in part on his popular book Practical HDR, David shows how to use HDR techniques to help capture a realistic natural look to your photos, or push beyond for a surreal/grungy style. See it at – Starts in 10 minutes….. A LIVE Worldwide Creative […]