Ok – so who is watching this INSANITY tonight?

08 Oct 2011 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 10

  1. In Argentina we have a similar category: "TC 2000"
    TC2000 Oberá 2010 Carrera Clasificatoria

  2. Al Lilianstrom 8 Oct 2011 Reply

    That looks like fun. Setting the DVR so I can watch it tomorrow.

  3. Brent Burzycki 8 Oct 2011 Reply

    this race is pretty crazy… only thing crazier is the TT motorcycle race…

  4. Bruce Feingold 8 Oct 2011 Reply

    Thanks for the heads up. I forgot this was on Speed tonight.

  5. Phillip Cocks 8 Oct 2011 Reply

    Even better watching the second (and 3,4,5…) time 🙂

  6. Alvin Ing 9 Oct 2011 Reply

    Live now, I usually shoot this each year, but unfortunately couldn't make it today.

  7. Graham Sorenson 9 Oct 2011 Reply

    BIGGGG crash…

  8. Dave Sparks 9 Oct 2011 Reply

    On Tivo, don't spoil it for me. 🙂

  9. Brent Burzycki 9 Oct 2011 Reply

    I make it a rule to never talk ….because I dvr also

  10. Isabelle Lepez 9 Oct 2011 Reply

    Ouch, amazing, thx for sharing 😉

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