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01 Mar 2014 admin In G+ Posts

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FYI – this does not mean Daytime running lights, and Auto headlights do not always turn on your headlights when you are in rain during the day… V C Section 24400 Headlamps on Motor Vehicles Headlamps on Motor Vehicles 24400. (a) A motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, shall be equipped with at least two headlamps, with at least one on each side of the front of the vehicle, and, except as to vehicles registered prior to January 1, 1930, they shall be located directly above or in advance of the front axle of the vehicle. The headlamps and every light source in any headlamp unit shall be located at a height of not more than 54 inches nor less than 22 inches. (b) A motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, shall be operated during darkness, or inclement weather, or both, with at least two lighted headlamps that comply with subdivision (a). (c) As used in subdivision (b), “inclement weather” is a weather condition that is either of the following: (1) A condition that prevents a driver of a motor vehicle from clearly discerning a person or another motor vehicle on the highway from a distance of 1,000 feet. (2) […]

Public Service Announcement for Californians – HEADLIGHTS ON WHEN YOUR WIPERS ARE ON…FYI – this does not mean Daytime running lights, and Auto headlights do not always turn on your headlights when you are in rain during the day…   V C Section 24400 Headlamps on Motor Vehicles Headlamps on Motor Vehicles 24400.  (a) A motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, shall be equipped with at least two headlamps, with at least one on each side of the front of the vehicle, and, except as to vehicles registered prior to January 1, 1930, they shall be located directly above or in advance of the front axle of the vehicle. The headlamps and every light source in any headlamp unit shall be located at a height of not more than 54 inches nor less than 22 inches. (b) A motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, shall be operated during darkness, or inclement weather, or both, with at least two lighted headlamps that comply with subdivision (a). (c) As used in subdivision (b), “inclement weather” is a weather condition that is either of the following: (1) A condition that prevents a driver of a motor vehicle from clearly discerning a person or […]

#ford #   In Album 2014-02-28

In album 2014-02-28 And just when you thought your car was quick  +Ford Motor Company rolls out the new Police Interceptor Utility with Ecoboost – I would not even bother running…. All Wheel Drive and you cannot outrun the radio… Great new tools to keep law enforcement personal safer while doing their jobs more effectively. #ford  # This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

And until tonight I never knew there was such a METAL as VIKING METAL….. what can me more metal than VIKING Metal…? I learn something new everyday…

what can me more metal than VIKING Metal…? I learn something new everyday… View this post on Google+

What wire did you say not to cut?  

What wire did you say not to cut? This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Finally thunder in the Bay Area…..  

 This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

26 Feb 2014 admin In G+ Posts


26 Feb 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Hmm……. View this post on Google+

26 Feb 2014 admin In G+ Posts


26 Feb 2014 admin In G+ Posts

This post has been reshared 9 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Really? I cannot say that my Sync is perfect, but does Blackberry even have voice tech for the back end? +Leo Laporte will find this most interesting.. Why Ford is dumping MicrosoftBalky electronics powered by Microsoft have become Ford’s biggest problem.

+Ford Motor Company dumping Microsoft for Blackberry in their Ford Sync in vehicle systems… Really? I cannot say that my Sync is perfect, but does Blackberry even have voice tech for the back end? +Leo Laporte will find this most interesting.. Why Ford is dumping Microsoft Balky electronics powered by Microsoft have become Ford’s biggest problem. View this post on Google+

Photographers are a different kind of creatures. We are both artists and entrepreneurs. We love our cameras and we sure love playing with them, sometimes too much. After a longer series of technical articles and advice, I thought I’d put together a list of reasons why you shouldn’t date a photographer. Before we get started, I just want to point out that although some of the items on the list will seem realistic, it’s all intended to make you laugh or at least bring a knowing smile on your face. At the end of the day, everybody loves photographers, otherwise I can’t explain why so many people want to get into photography. Without further ado, I bring you the 41 things to take into account before setting a date with a photographer. Reasons Why You shouldn’t Date a Photographer – PhotographyTalkPhotographers are a different kind of creatures. We are both artists and entrepreneurs. We love our cameras and we sure love playing with them.

Photographers are a different kind of creatures. We are both artists and entrepreneurs. We love our cameras and we sure love playing with them, sometimes too much. After a longer series of technical articles and advice, I thought I’d put together a list of reasons why you shouldn’t date a photographer. Before we get started, I just want to point out that although some of the items on the list will seem realistic, it’s all intended to make you laugh or at least bring a knowing smile on your face. At the end of the day, everybody loves photographers, otherwise I can’t explain why so many people want to get into photography. Without further ado, I bring you the 41 things to take into account before setting a date with a photographer. Reasons Why You shouldn’t Date a Photographer – PhotographyTalk Photographers are a different kind of creatures. We are both artists and entrepreneurs. We love our cameras and we sure love playing with them. View this post on Google+

24 Feb 2014 admin In G+ Posts


24 Feb 2014 admin In G+ Posts

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23 Feb 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Ah.. Nothing like waking up to have a friend hanging over your bed…  

23 Feb 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Nothing like waking up to have a friend hanging over your bed…  View this post on Google+

FYI Originally shared by +Elie Bursztein You MUST upgrade your iOS and OSX devices NOW to secure your network communications. Apple SSL implementation is flawed and allows an attacker to intercept ALL encrypted (HTTPS) communication. Every iOS Apps are vulnerables (Safari, Facebook, Google+, Mail…) . On OSX and Safari and many other apps are also affected. Chrome is not affected on OSX. Please it is very important that you upgrade now as this vulnerability has been made public last night. In particular DO NOT connect to a public WiFi with an unpatched device. To test if your device is vulnerable you can use the public website: Help spread the word by re-sharing or +1 this post to ensure everyone promptly patch their devices. For those interested in the technical details:Apple cryptic patch notes After refers to a bug introduced in libsecurity_ssl which is the SSL library used by Apple ( This bug lead the SSL library to not check properly the hostname associated with agiven SSL cert which allows an attacker to easily snoop on any HTTPS site.  

23 Feb 2014 admin In G+ Posts

FYI Reshared post from +Elie Bursztein You MUST upgrade your iOS and OSX devices NOW to secure your network communications. Apple SSL implementation is flawed and allows an attacker to intercept ALL encrypted (HTTPS) communication. Every iOS Apps are vulnerables (Safari, Facebook, Google+, Mail…) . On OSX and Safari and  many other apps  are also affected. Chrome is not affected on OSX. Please it is very important that you  upgrade now as this vulnerability has been made public last night. In particular DO NOT connect to a public WiFi with an unpatched device. To test if your device is vulnerable you can use the public website: Help spread the word by re-sharing or +1 this post to ensure everyone promptly patch their devices. For those interested in the technical details:Apple cryptic patch notes After refers to a bug introduced in libsecurity_ssl which is the SSL library used by Apple ( This bug lead the SSL library to not check properly the hostname associated with agiven SSL cert which allows an attacker to easily snoop on any HTTPS site. This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+