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09 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Well it is true…  

09 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

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+Monochrome Monday Curated by +Hans Berendsen +Jerry Johnson +Steve Barge +Dominique Hilbert  

#monochromemonday  – What the heck – might as well toss this into the theme for Monday…. Might as well start playing in the B&W world again… +Monochrome Monday  Curated by  +Hans Berendsen +Jerry Johnson +Steve Barge +Dominique Hilbert  This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

I will never get used to the heat… Love the cold…  

09 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

This does not look good for tomorrow… It might be cresting 1000 out at this rate.. I will never get used to the heat… Love the cold…  View this post on Google+

08 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Well….. That's the hottest it's been here this year…. I'm……………. M……. E……. L….. T…… I…. N……. G………  

08 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

That's the hottest it's been here this year…. I'm……………. M……. E……. L….. T…… I…. N……. G………  View this post on Google+

Side car racing on the Isle of Man TT….. Insanity… These guys are incredibly skilled riders…  

Insanity… These guys are incredibly skilled riders…  View this post on Google+

Just when I thought I had seen everything….. Bam…  

Bam…  This post has been reshared 6 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

08 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Get on with it…….  

08 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

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Programmable headphone jack button with macros and software set functions. Interesting….. View this post on Google+

07 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

I have always hated math… And really hate math tests… So this is very true for me… I might replace cry with just leave… But cry is close enough…  

07 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

And really hate math tests… So this is very true for me… I might replace cry with just leave… But cry is close enough…  This post has been reshared 23 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Now this is a great idea I should have thought of years ago… LEGO Figures Make Perfect Cable HoldersWho knew that LEGO designed their figures’ hands perfectly to hold Apple lightning and other types of cables? Stick a LEGO brick on your desk, attach LEGO figure(s), and, voilà, an ingenious cord-catching solution.

 LEGO Figures Make Perfect Cable Holders Who knew that LEGO designed their figures’ hands perfectly to hold Apple lightning and other types of cables? Stick a LEGO brick on your desk, attach LEGO figure(s), and, voilà, an ingenious cord-catching solution. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

07 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Finally found my new car  

07 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Finally found my new car View this post on Google+

Jalopnik: 31-Year Old Spy Hunter Car Mystery Solved! 31-Year Old Spy Hunter Car Mystery Solved!So tonight while researching old driving games for that big poster, us Jalops were looking at some of the box/cabinet art for the famous game Spy Hunter. Specifically, we were looking at the car, which I always assumed was just made up for the game. But something clicked for Raph.

Jalopnik: 31-Year Old Spy Hunter Car Mystery Solved! 31-Year Old Spy Hunter Car Mystery Solved! So tonight while researching old driving games for that big poster, us Jalops were looking at some of the box/cabinet art for the famous game Spy Hunter. Specifically, we were looking at the car, which I always assumed was just made up for the game. But something clicked for Raph. View this post on Google+

06 Jun 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Originally shared by +Swee Oh For the Sunset shooters 🙂