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+500px for Android released today…. Store Link: This post has been reshared 14 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

19 Apr 2012 admin In G+ Posts

I guess I need to fire people more often…. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

It is interesting to see how people associate humor and serious world issues or possibly just hide behind humor when faced with issues they cannot fully comprehend… And sadly I did have to sort of laugh just a tiny bit inside… This post has been reshared 4 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Call to all that follow or see the post – take a second to read and give your point of view Well here is another not safe for G+ image that was taken some time ago.. I would love to hear some feedback for what works and what does not if anything either way… Read the rest of the post and add your opinions to the items below also – I would like to hear from a diverse group of lovers and haters of images that contain nudity I am looking for way to change both my photo style, and photo editing to make the stuff I shoot more enjoyable to a much larger audience, that said moving more toward sexy and less nude might be one of those directions as unfun as that might sound. We all have to make our sacrifices…. If Nudity offends, then wait for another post….. if you like what you see and frequent 500px, drop a like or vote….. but I am more interested in first impressions and real critiques f what you like and why…. I am even more interested in how, where and why you might or might not like images […]

I have been using Gmail for a long long time and have never seen this error before – that cannot be good.. I hope it is only me…. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

In album The Genuine PT Boat Description: This is PT-728, a 66 1/2 year-old restored Patrol Torpedo Boat from World War II. With a keel laid on August 10, 1945, she is one of 12 remaining PT boats in the world. She is "armed" (all weapons are deactivated) with a single .50- and two twin .50-caliber Browning machine gun stations, an aft 20mm Oerlikon cannon, four tubes that each housed a Mark VIII torpedo, and two depth charge launchers. Built in the Annapolis Yacht Yard using a 72' British Vosper design, her hard-chined, triple-ply mahogany hull is nearly flat at the stern, allowing her to "plane" on top of the water at speeds up to 42 knots, a necessity for quick getaways after a torpedo run. So compelling was a PT boat's performance that Nelson Rockefeller converted one into a high-speed yacht for commutes between Albany and New York City. Updated with modern electronics, radar, and two turbo-charged diesel engines providing 1,100 total horsepower, she is the only PT boat in existence licensed by the U.S. Coast Guard for carrying passengers. Special conditions and guarantee limitations apply. Please call 1-800-227-3528 for details. 72' L x 18' W x 7' 4" […]

I would go as far to say…..if you do not care enough to fill out your profile please go back to Facebook……..because you do not get why we like G+……. Reshared post from +Google+ How to Set Up Your Profile In Google+ Your profile is where your friends can find out the latest about you. Add a profile picture, then share the right details with the right people. Find out more at . Already have a fantastic profile? Share this video with your friends and others who could make theirs even better. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Drop your comments on the original Post: Reshared post from +Behind the Lens: Photo Critique Group CALLING ALL MACRO SHOOTERS! Be sure to tune in Wednesday April 18th @ 6pm EST. +Alan Shapiro will be our guest critic on the Behind The Lens: Photo Critique Show! Please submit your macro images by using the hashtag #BTLCritiqueShow . We will stop taking submissions on Tuesday @ Noon PST. We had a glitch with the recording of the last show, but everything has been resolved and the show will be available to watch at a later time. We're looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday! BTL Mods +Christina Lawrie & +Tamara Pruessnerc10 View this post on Google+

So is it a sign of a mid life crisis if I want to trade in my truck on this car? 580-horsepower, 556 lb.-ft. of torque, 6.2-liter supercharged V8Wicked cool technology wrapped into the car also… Holy Crap that looks like a fun car…. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

I wonder if my life would have been different if I read this book as a kid…. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

And to those that get is all the time and think us Californians are insane to mention weather… You are right…. View this post on Google+

Hey +Karen Hutton here is another one from +Lindsey Stirling to reshare with the world…. Reshared post from +YouTube Rockin’ violinist +Lindsey Stirling ( nails it again in this epic ode to "Skyrim" featuring voice magician +Peter Hollens ( This post has been reshared 4 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

I am not a whitespacehater – I am a whitespacewonderer thou… I know Google has a plan.. I wish part of that plan is going to be flexibility of the space and the interface. I would love to see G+ become where I can make some of the layout choices to make it more mine for how I want to consume some of the content. Options, flexibility, thou painful can make the overall experience more usable. I like to use my limited time I have for social more wisely…and since everyone is so different in what they want to consume some flexibility would be a nice way to make many (ok at least me) more happy… And if people are wondering why I picked some half naked photo – its because thats what I do with my photography skills… Many that follow me might not even know that ….. now you do.. if you hate it look at my cool photos of planes… if you like it let me know and I will post others… And if your +Vic Gundotra or +Brian Rose or any of the 100's or thousands that work on G+ – Keep up the great work, […]

instagram – +Instagram #instagram bburzycki View this post on Google+ Embedded Link GoMo: An Initiative From Google Find out why mobile-friendly sites matter, see how your current site looks in mobile, and find resources for building your mobile site. View this post on Google+

PLEASE – do not text while driving! View this post on Google+

+Brent Fishman Now I guess people will figure out that I hate photos taken of me.. but I like to take photos…. 🙂 Reshared post from +Nibletz One of the moderators in #BehindTheLens +Brent Burzycki sits down with our own +Brent Fishman for our #BeyondTheLens feature. #Photography If you or another #Photographer you know is interested in possibly being featured in the future, email that you are interested. Beyond The Lens: Brent Burzycki | Nibletz We get Brent Burzcki to open up to us about Photography and what got him started in it. View this post on Google+

01 Apr 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Well I have not posted anything too sexy here in some time.. and I see stuff much worse than this post popping up here almost everyday so we will see what the response might be…. If you want to be in a special circle where I share out more erotic images that might not be as suitable for public but still fall under the TOS here – please let me know… That said… if the blowback continues, I rather stick to sharing an offsite link that protects more sensitive eyes… I have determined that unless you are +Jessi June posting hot images in many ways seems to kill follower growth when friends I know posts photos of landscapes and other non sensual content and their followers grow astronomically.. thus it might be time to look at the overall business plan…. Hmm – maybe sex does not sell…….or does it? What is your opinion… This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

+Google it is great to see that even a big (ok) huge company can still have some fun… I could totally use the features…… totally… This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Oops…..and Why I use G+…. View this post on Google+

time to rebuild it slowly over the next couple months. Trying to follow several thousand people was impossible to say the least….that was the fallout from being an early adopter…. So what do you do that makes someone want to follow you…? View this post on Google+

Seems dissapointing to me that +500px decided to remove G+ from the links to promo images on/from their site.. Unless I am totally missing something, that functionality seems to be gone.. FYI – this image has nudity – so for those that hate that… do not click.. and for those that do not – please click and let me know your point of view… actually for those that hate it – go take a look – we will not tell anyone…. Lux by Brent Burzycki Photo portfolio of Brent Burzycki on 500px. View this post on Google+

Question for today – Should you take photos while driving? This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

20 Mar 2012 admin In G+ Posts

In album Google+ for Photographers (1 photo) Well done +Colby Brown Reshared post from +Colby Brown The "Google+ for Photographers" book is nearly here The 1st copy of my new book "Google+ for Photographers" arrived in the mail today. This means that we are very close to the book being released to the public with Amazon shipping pre-orders out in the next week in a half. Inside the book you will find all of the details involved with creating, maintaining and growing a presence on Google+ as a photographer. Throughout the book you will also find "Colby's Quick Tips" that you with my best pieces of advice for being an active and engaging member of Google+. Each chapter contains an interview from some of the top photographers on the network, giving you insight on how they utilize Google+ for their needs (+Elia Locardi +Brian Matiash +Catherine Hall +Scott Jarvie +Varina Patel +Jay Patel +Trey Ratcliff +Alex Koloskov +Patrick Di Fruscia and +Dave Cohen from Google) . Throughout the book you will also find 4 separate photographer highlights of the winners of my Google+ essay contest that was held last year (+Jacob James +mark waslick +Grayson Hartman +Melly Sh Y Hardt […]

A musician with real talent…. to +Jessi June for pointing her out…… She is cool – hot and talented…. go pay her a few bucks on her site…. lindseystomp’s Channel – YouTube Have you ever seen a violinist really rock out?? This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+