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A dark prominence can be seen crossing right underneath a coronal loop as they both rotate into view (Aug. 26 – 28, 2012). Prominences are long strands of cooler gases that float above the Sun's surface. The loops that we see here in extreme ultraviolet light are magnetic field lines being traced by spiraling particles above active regions. It is not uncommon for a prominence to stretch under these connecting loops, but it is harder to see unless they are in profile, as they are here. Finding these kinds of smaller details are only possible to see clearly with the very high resolution of SDO's imagers. The video covers almost two days of activity. This post has been reshared 7 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Many many cool moon shots and composites out there to honor #neilarmstrong   #moon   #eclipse   I will contribute one….. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

It was awesome…… This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Here is my contribution to #hackthisphoto  +HACK THIS PHOTO this time around.. Before and after images… This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Pay the money and get it done right…. This should not fall out from under your dash when you are trying to figure out why your car is not starting….. #installdisaster   View this post on Google+

31 Aug 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Version two of last night photo… some different editing.. interested in which version people might like more or less Last Nights Post: This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Pretty much inspired by all that post here daily that make me think I need to try to edit an image and post it daily…. And full time pro's like +Jay Patel that force me to up my game …… its not a landscape – but what can I say… #Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious  Because it is and its trending… This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

I opted for the subscription plan just recently but that is because I need several other programs.  View this post on Google+

29 Aug 2012 admin In G+ Posts

HOLY SMACKS……..  Reshared post from +Joe Bodego This Leica 1600mm Lens Costs 2 Million DollarsLeave it to Leica to produce the worlds most expensive lens. Sheikh Saud Bin Mohammed Al-Thani of Qatar had this lens specially designed and shipped to him for a cool $2,064,500. This 1600mm 5.6 lens is the biggest and heaviest Leica has ever made and although it is a one of a kind product, you can see the prototype of this lens (the one in the picture above) in Leica’s factory showroom in Solms, Germany.Obviously stabilizing a lens of this size is a feat in itself and it has been reported that the Sheikh who bought it also commissioned a specially designed Mercedes to carry and steady it. Sadly the Sheik has never released any of his images taken with this lens so we will never know how it actually performs. I hope I’m around in 50 years when this thing shows up on eBay. This post has been reshared 8 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

How on earth are these politicians qualified to run anything let alone a country…. So disappointed in my choices and have no way to stop the insanity we have created. Very sad state of affairs, and I am ashamed to have these people representing me and my country…. Oh right none of them think it's my country… They just talk crap out of every opening and expect us to believe them, I got news for you, we know the game and are watching you…. We need an option to vote unqualified on all cases and then all current options are flushed and we start again till we find qualified candidates that do not make me ashamed to watch TV when they are on and respect them and their decisions in the morning….. So very sad……  View this post on Google+

So what if one photo a day has turned into more like one photo when I can or have time …. Does Mars Time get me more hours in a day… What planetary time gives me the most hours in a day… Oh well here is my shot for tonight… let me know what you think…  View this post on Google+

I knew Facebook was good for something…. I am apparently an Egotistical Douchebag……! – I am cool with that….. This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

27 Aug 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Yikes….  View this post on Google+

In album August 26, 2012 (1 photo) Do something for your photography, take the time to get some images printed big and hang them in your house………it will change the way you look at your photography.. These came from and were not cheap but in 2-3 days and for 6 bucks in shipping they were at my door wrapped for world war 3 and arrived in perfect shape. Well worth the money…. take the time and money to showcase your work in your own home… it will remind you daily to get out and shoot more… This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

So is Creative Commons really the solution to our issues here with what many feel is improper sharing of images? Much like the way Deviant Art has it setup? They have it setup that we can select our Creative Commons license on upload…. would this fix anything? I assume there is no way to enforce any of these "solutions" and thus why it is the way it is…. What have you found your solution to be…. The reason I bring it up is I ran an interesting experiment last week based on one profile uploading images to their personal profile but also giving credit in some cases. I contacted a few photographers that's work was there and all of them did not care and liked the exposure. I would not mind seeing a few more options here for or during image upload but I also do not want to see them as mandatory features for everyone as that will limit the user experience for the negative for many…. Just talking out loud… what is your opinion…. Do you want added features during upload to be able to mark images with CC info and or sharing authority? Or do you not really care…. Part of […]

letting myself down daily is what I really should call this project… I have been told I should try to tell a story with an image… Hopefully this is not too steamy for G+ …… the full size looks better than the thumb….  There is a story here… what do you think it is….? #btlcritique   #btlphotocritique   View this post on Google+

26 Aug 2012 admin In G+ Posts

of course like all the pages that reshare these photos – there was no credit…sadly because I assume where this came from there are other epic shots…. All I can say is one thing… "RUN!" This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

26 Aug 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Aliens is a pretty fun movie………. View this post on Google+

25 Aug 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Thanks for all you did in our race to space… View this post on Google+

Happy Birthday +Sandra Parlow I ripped off the best photo I could find and did my best editing to make this for you…. Hope you like it…. :) View this post on Google+

I am lucky enough to get a Custom URL now… *Thank you G+ team…..* +Vic Gundotra +Brian Rose + all the other team members for making this place the coolest social network I care about anymore….and continuing to innovate despite the controversy… Brent Burzycki – Google+ Brent Burzycki – Photographer, Business Owner (Multiple), Author (Part Time) – Photographer – Black Diamond Productions – Photographer, Web Designer Business Owner, Author and Engineer I started in p… View this post on Google+

Interesting discussion about how what to do if your models re-edit and post your images…… Is it bad? Or Good? Put your opinions on the original post….. Comments disabled here.. so follow the link… Reshared post from +Stephan Bollinger Is it "Rant Friday"? Oh well, here we go anyway: There is nothing I hate more than models who feel the need to "retouch" my already processed images (clearly without any photoshop skills), and then upload those to their Facebook, (because they believe, their skin is not smooth  plastic enough)! View this post on Google+

Might be something Photographers might use for archiving deep storage items that do not need immediate access…. Its not as easy as many services we all use now – but it sure is cheap…. View this post on Google+

All major…….  View this post on Google+

Paperless society…..this is what I feed my shredder monthly at Bill time and that's while using online bill pay…hmmmm flying cars anyone…. View this post on Google+