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#photoaday   #btlcritique   #btlphotocritique   Something different in B&W – I put this up as a photo critique – so please feel free to let me have it based on your views of the shot….I am also happy to critique back… just post links to your work… I will see what people think before I say anything good or bad about it…. I sure have my opinions.. +Behind the Lens: Photo Critique Group  View this post on Google+

22 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts

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In album Thanks Verizon for finally giving us the Jellybean update on Galaxy Nexus Sadly it took way too long in the opinion of many… And the force to get it a bit early took 30 attempts and finally the Force Quit – disable – enable – wi-fi on – power down – remove battery – reinstall battery – plug in power cable – power up – and it finally showed up when checking for updates again. Original Link from +Thomas Hawk Thankfully it seems to have solved my issue with the G+ Post Gallery crashing everytime I tried to share an image….. Screenshots below: View this post on Google+

22 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Lets give this a try now… Reshared post from +Thomas Hawk woo hoo!  downloading Android Jellybean on my +Verizon Wireless Nexus right now.  Thanks to +Dave Veffer for the alerting me it was out yesterday.  I had to do the force stop framework thing several times and you have to be connected wi-fi, but it's in progress now.  Or maybe I'm just still dreaming and haven't woken up yet. Android 4.1 Jelly Bean on Verizon Galaxy Nexus now available For those not interested in rooting their Verizon Galaxy Nexus and unlocking their bootloaders, Verizon may finally be delivering the treat we’ve all been This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

21 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts

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20 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts Tags:

#photoaday So what do you think?  This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

20 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Saw this on that other social Network today maybe I need to fold this myself to see… Here is the description: "If you look closely, the five dollar bill represents the twin towers, the ten is after the planes collided, the twenty shows a building collapsing, the fifty is the dust and smoke, and the hundred is a new beginning." This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

I miss those days…… This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

18 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts Tags:

#photoaday   This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Google Buys Nik Software….  Reshared post from +Trey Ratcliff A huge show!  We'll have on the Google Photos team to talk all about the news of the Google acquisition of Nik Software.  If you want to read more about this, see the article I released this morning at  Who's joining us?  Many from the Google Photos team including +Vincent Mo +AJ Asver +Dave Cohen and maybe +Chris Chabot too!  Also joining me is +Thomas Hawk who I'm sure has many hot opinions about this acquisition! Do you have questions?  Be sure to use Google Moderator over at — We'll get that set up right when the show starts so we can take all your questions live…   View this post on Google+

sad how real life gets in the way of photography….. oh well – one needs to pay the bills… Different editing, different look, experiment…. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

17 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts

still interested to hear what photographers are using Pinterest for…if anything… that said if you were thinking nudity and Pinterest go together.. read on… So I read the entire TOS and there was nothing about nudity in it that I could find… So I put "nude" in the search box on Pinterest and got the below warning – well and about 1000 posts for nude colored shoes – clearly with the link it clearly shows that Nudity is not allowed on Pinterest… which is odd seeing in the first 5 minutes of looking at it I have seen more boobies on one page than I have in a month here on G+… I will just assume it is about the definition of the word "may"…… But then dig deeper and find this: Report Objectionable Content: We do not allow nudity, hateful content, or content that encourages people to hurt themselves. If you find content that violates our Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policy you can submit the content for review by pushing the ”Report Content“ link. Maybe I do not get Pinterest – it seems its an interesting way to share images but it also seems like a viral avenue for […]

Do not go expecting to take photos with no people in them… it is pretty much impossible.. I have also determined that a Black Rapid Strap works great for clearing crowds…… At least I got one decent shot with no people in it of our race car… #whelen   #marshracing   #teamfox    This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Well its about time he noticed my work…… View this post on Google+

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Is it doing anything for you?How have you decided to use it if at all and what has got you the best response? #pinterest Glamour Photography View this post on Google+

After sleeping all day – I assume I have destroyed my body enough in the past few weeks to deserve it shutting off for awhile… I decided to dig around in my oldest photos I have taken.. Here is 2002 revisited… if you could only see the original before editing…thankfully I have learned quite a bit since then…. One rule still stands…. hire amazing models, they will make you look like a pro…. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

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14 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts Tags:

#photoaday  for 9/13/12Another Portfolio redo from one of my first shoots over 9 years ago…. View this post on Google+

14 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Video: Largest Drum Set in the World – CH 10 News Link: This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

+Jonathan Terleski I take your iPhone5 and raise you one with this…. #iphone5   #iPhone6   #epicfail   #somethingicantlivewithout   This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

13 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Reshared post from +Mercedes-Benz The SLR. CLUB has just started their "Tour Adriatica" through Croatia's beautiful countryside. Join their journey and read their travel diary here: This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

13 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Now that is funny…….! This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

But for those that follow my more NSFW images.. let me know what you think… Also I am trying to put together a tight circle of people that like to critique images that are like this and not loved by all or not work safe etc… let me know if you are interested…..and want to be added…. I think we can police ourselves and still link offsite but it would be nice to have a close group to bounce ideas off….edits etc…and get some real feedback.. Just trying to stay up on my #photoaday  plan… something different and more edgy, in other words many might hate it….. Untitled…. Something different… very hi key… Let me know what you think… View this post on Google+

I have no idea who took this.. it is just one massive image that I have kept for years… A totally different perspective on the incident.. 14mb Image uploaded – Hopefully the insane details will com over on G+ – if not just download it.. #911 #9/11 #worldtradecenter  #9.11 World Trade Center Aerial View To all those that continue to struggle, mourn and deal with this – We will never forget… If photos like this do not make the What's Hot page and it is just filled with BS – I will have finally lost all faith in truly what should be Hot…. This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+