Thanks Verizon for finally giving us the Jellybean update on Galaxy Nexus
Sadly it took way too long in the opinion of many…
And the force to get it a bit early took 30 attempts and finally the Force Quit – disable – enable – wi-fi on – power down – remove battery – reinstall battery – plug in power cable – power up – and it finally showed up when checking for updates again.
Original Link from +Thomas Hawk http://phandroid.com/2012/09/21/android-4-1-jelly-bean-on-verizon-galaxy-nexus-now-available/
Thankfully it seems to have solved my issue with the G+ Post Gallery crashing everytime I tried to share an image…..
Screenshots below:
Shit. I'm still waiting for ICS. It's only 22 days late now.
+Olav Folland I can take some screenshots you can use as backgrounds to make you feel better?
lol. At this point I'm pretty much ready to say f*it and just wait for CM10 to be ready.
I've been doing the Google Services Framework trick for the last few days and still haven't gotten it. Glad it's rolling out though.
It took I pile of tries…..