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26 Mar 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Perfect Explanation

26 Mar 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Perfect Explanation View this post on Google+

25 Mar 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Now that's a tattoo……… Originally shared by +Steampunk Tendencies Tattoo by Rob Richardson out our community :  

25 Mar 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Reshared post from +Steampunk Tendencies Tattoo by Rob Richardson out our community : This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Living life one sunset at a time…  

 This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

23 Mar 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Hot tub is ready… Come on over….  

23 Mar 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Come on over….  View this post on Google+

Back in 2003 a fellow company rep took this photo after selling all these lightbars to the Mexico Police…. that is a lot of police cars…  

His ingenious solutions earned our admiration. His bold hair style earned our affection. Whenever a truck is fixed with a basketball hoop, MacGyver is there. Whenever binder clips keep computer cables in order, MacGyver is there. And whenever duct tape is used in space, MacGyver is there. He permeates pop culture and inspires our mission. Today, we pay him tribute. We put our toolkit building prowess to it’s ultimate test. Behold the fruit of our labor: the Action Hero Toolkit. Arm yourself with everything you need to MacGyver your way out of any problem. Available from Ifixit…  

His ingenious solutions earned our admiration. His bold hair style earned our affection. Whenever a truck is fixed with a basketball hoop, MacGyver is there. Whenever binder clips keep computer cables in order, MacGyver is there. And whenever duct tape is used in space, MacGyver is there. He permeates pop culture and inspires our mission. Today, we pay him tribute. We put our toolkit building prowess to it’s ultimate test. Behold the fruit of our labor: the Action Hero Toolkit. Arm yourself with everything you need to MacGyver your way out of any problem. Available from Ifixit… This post has been reshared 5 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Does B&W really work for Sunsets?   In Album 2014-03-23

In album 2014-03-23 Does B&W really work for Sunsets? View this post on Google+

This is funny and yet a sad reminder that nothing has really happened and people are ready forgetting about this incident…  

This is funny and yet a sad reminder that nothing has really happened and people are ready forgetting about this incident…  This post has been reshared 6 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

21 Mar 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Nice sunset tonight…  

21 Mar 2014 admin In G+ Posts

 View this post on Google+

🙂 #ingress From USA TODAY Phone game worries those concerned with base security NORFOLK, Va. — A popular game for Android devices has some raising concerns about attempts to breach security on military bases across the USA. The game, named Ingress, requires players to travel to historic or cultural sites to claim them for points, a twist on other apps like Foursquare that want users to check in at locations. The smartphone works like a scanner, picking up energy and helping a player identify the real-world "portals." By joining together and capturing portals, players help their teams on the global scoreboard. The more portals a player visits, the more points a person gets for his or her team. That's how to move up in rank. Phone game worries those concerned with base securityNORFOLK, Va. — A popular game for Android devices has some raising concerns of attempts to breach security on military bases across the country.

🙂 #ingress From USA TODAY Phone game worries those concerned with base security NORFOLK, Va. — A popular game for Android devices has some raising concerns about attempts to breach security on military bases across the USA. The game, named Ingress, requires players to travel to historic or cultural sites to claim them for points, a twist on other apps like Foursquare that want users to check in at locations. The smartphone works like a scanner, picking up energy and helping a player identify the real-world "portals." By joining together and capturing portals, players help their teams on the global scoreboard. The more portals a player visits, the more points a person gets for his or her team. That's how to move up in rank. Phone game worries those concerned with base security NORFOLK, Va. — A popular game for Android devices has some raising concerns of attempts to breach security on military bases across the country. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Originally shared by +Brad Snowder This is a VERY big deal. Hyperexpansion, Gravitational Waves, and Polarized Light: Oh MyThis is big news: Astronomers have announced that they have seen, for the first time, direct evidence of “inflation” in the extremely early Universe, unlocking an entire chapter in the history of the cosmos. It also ties together relativity and quantum mechanics in a deep and profound way, which has…

Great write up Reshared post from +Brad Snowder This is a VERY big deal. Hyperexpansion, Gravitational Waves, and Polarized Light: Oh My This is big news: Astronomers have announced that they have seen, for the first time, direct evidence of “inflation” in the extremely early Universe, unlocking an entire chapter in the history of the cosmos. It also ties together relativity and quantum mechanics in a deep and profound way, which has… View this post on Google+

Things you do not want to see on a Roto-Rooter Colonoscopy  

Things you do not want to see on a Roto-Rooter Colonoscopy  This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Today on Only in Canada Yep the truck is real and actually drives…

Today on Only in Canada Yep the truck is real and actually drives… This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+