March 23 is MacGyver’s birthday. Let's celebrate!!

23 Mar 2014 admin In G+ Posts

His ingenious solutions earned our admiration. His bold hair style earned our affection.

Whenever a truck is fixed with a basketball hoop, MacGyver is there. Whenever binder clips keep computer cables in order, MacGyver is there. And whenever duct tape is used in space, MacGyver is there. He permeates pop culture and inspires our mission.

Today, we pay him tribute.

We put our toolkit building prowess to it’s ultimate test. Behold the fruit of our labor: the Action Hero Toolkit. Arm yourself with everything you need to MacGyver your way out of any problem.

Available from Ifixit…


Comments: 2

  1. Jim Tipping 23 Mar 2014 Reply

    Nice. As a southern boy, I'd have to add a can of WD-40…

  2. Shelly Gunderson 23 Mar 2014 Reply

    MacGyver is great! 🙂

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