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Some start up a google doc for pages and share it out for people to add their pages too…… View this post on Google+

08 Nov 2011 admin In G+ Posts

follow for more info and cool talk about photography View this post on Google+

Danbo striking a pose next to his new favorite model………sadly danbo hair and makeup is limited….. View this post on Google+

In album Just back from a cool one day Private workshop with +mark daughn and +Luana Lani – Great Model Ophelia Overdose that not only does pro level hair and makeup but also creates her own outfits. Thanks to all that were there Then dinner with +Frederick Van Johnson and +Ariston Collander And now posting on G+ with some scenes from the shoot today..PS: Cell phone batteries cannot survive when shooting photos…… Oh and not to drop too many names but a meeting with Arny Freytag and Jarmo Pohjaniemi of Playboy….. Stay tuned for some cool interviews with many people on TWiP including me… go figure.. I am way less cool than the guys from Playboy thou… View this post on Google+

06 Nov 2011 admin In G+ Posts

In album November 6, 2011 November 6, 2011 View this post on Google+

Mark Daughn Workshop….. View this post on Google+

I hate Los Angeles….sunday….and there is fully stopped traffic on the freeway…. View this post on Google+

Invest in your Photography – Join us at our Workshop in the Los Angeles Area on Monday and Tuesday Discounted for TWiP Listeners…… Los Angeles Workshop TWiP Special Offer This will be a combo teaching and shooting workshop. Day one will start with a very intense lecture and demo on all aspects of a glamour shoot including lighting, model relations and styling. Then we will move into the studio and you will step behind the camera and shoot several images on several different sets using the techniques you have just learned. I'll explain the lighting process and concept for each scene. Day two we will be on location and will jump straight into shooting. We will shoot 6 to 8 different scenes with two different models. In my opinion, this is the best way to learn the process of creating your own concepts and lighting. You will not only get stunning images, but also learn the process of crafting them yourself. This workshop will include up to Playboy level nudity. This is not a shoot out – this is one on one shooting. Dates: Monday and Tuesday, November 7 & 8 Time: 9am – 5pm Special TWiP Price – […]

Anyone seeing strange login errors when using the Lastpass extension in chrome?Says it cannot login to your main account but when you clear the error it is ready to go and actually logged in? View this post on Google+

Anyone know if you can share a video from the mobile G+ android app? This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

05 Nov 2011 admin In G+ Posts

Glamourcon 2011……. View this post on Google+

05 Nov 2011 admin In G+ Posts

Strange Speeds for the Verizon MiFi This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

It seems my Danbo has taken his side on the Occupy Issues…. View this post on Google+

Ok there are some stipulations…. If I gain followers at the current pace (and honestly no idea why it has gone up again but i thank whoever has shared me in a circle or to my adoring spammers) I will bypass Mark Zuckerberg in T-Minus 630 days…. As long as he ads no one…ever again.. Oh PS: I will actually post and respond to people no matter how many followers I might ever get… that grates me that those with massive lists of followers do not for the most part interact with those followers…. That is not all of them but many it is… I know +Guy Kawasaki does…. and several others but clearly if you are followed by many why on earth would you not interact with those followers… that's why we have G+ and why people are on here… and clearly many of those people would not be who they are without those followers…. View this post on Google+

So lets get some book recomendations out there….anyone reading anything good….or listenting with audible….. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Notifications of Live Hangouts….. and this one seems to actually be a Google feature not Brent going insane and forgetting what extensions are on or off…. This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Have anyone tried this yet? This post has been reshared 4 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

So 16 hour days this week has kept me from opening mail or really doing anything getting ready for a weekend of seminars and the week after of tradeshows… So I got a strange delivery from Japan yesterday and had no idea what it was… well till this morning when I captured this dude checking out my G10. And I was hoping for a Nikon fan boy…… Shot with my Motorola Droid3…… Although now I am pretty sure he wants that…. This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

In album New Google+ Android Experience (13 photos) Thanks to +Ben Eidelson and the entire G+ team for constantly moving forward with new software….and additional services on G+ Reshared post from +Ben Eidelson I'm really excited to announce that the new version of Google+ for Android is available today! We worked closely with the Android team as they developed Android 4.0 (aka Ice Cream Sandwich,, so you'll see the same attention to beauty and simplicity in our new design. Anyone running Froyo and higher can use the new Google+ app, so feel free to visit Android Market, and download this Halloween treat: In the meantime, you can check out our new look by clicking into the photo album below. Let us know what you think about the new app! Release notes: View this post on Google+

If you want to be part of a circle of fellow users mention your name at this link on that post and get added to the AlienBees Circle… +J. Rae Chipera will be admining the circle… Tips – tricks – heck maybe even special deals if we can work out the details… COMMENT HERE: View this post on Google+

Here are the details: We will be having a G+ Photo meetup on Saturday November 5th from 1-3pm at the Hilton Long Beach in conjunction with Glamourcon 2011 RSVP here on Meetups: Address: Hilton Long Beach & Executive Meeting Center 701 West Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, California, 90831 Tel: 1-562-983-3400 Fax: 1-562-983-1200 Here are the details: We will be having a G+ Photo meetup on Saturday November 5th from 1-3pm at the Hilton Long Beach in conjunction with Glamourcon 2011. Address: Hilton Long Beach & Executive Meeting Center 701 West Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, California, 90831 Tel: 1-562-983-3400 Fax: 1-562-983-1200 The Meetup will have a panel discussion with the following: Mark Daughn – Brent Burzycki – Frederick Van Johnson – Tor Alexander – www.toralexander.comLuana Lani – Plus others as they are added We will be having an open forum discussion and Q&A with all that attend on the following topics, plus any the attendees wish to add or ask. Please post questions you would like us to cover in the comments here or email them to: Topic List: Glamour Work Models Equipment Social Media and photography Model Releases Recruiting Models Lighting setups and why […]

Well here is a massive post for WordPress Users – My plugin list of things I have tried and liked or used at different times…with links to everything I am going to send you over to my site for this because the links will not copy and paste here and the post is massive: Actually the list there also includes 3-4 others lists I have found and placed them on the page with attribution. I had a massive issues early on finding good plugins for my WordPress install….hopefully this list will help others. But I have to say the Plugin award for my favorite of this year goes to +Daniel Treadwell for the Google+ Blog WordPress Plugin – See more about it here: Embedded Link WordPress Plugin List | Black Diamond Productions – The Photography of Brent Burzycki – Glamour, Lingerie, Blog, Tips, Tricks This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Well time to buckle down and do the full time job for this next week and a half…my busiest time of the year in that job…. Do not forget if you are in the Long Beach, CA area next week join us at the Google+ meetup at Glamourcon 2011. Its on Sat from 1-3pm… great networking and chance to get many questions you might have answered. Here is the list of people we have so far for the panel discussion: Mark Daughn – daughn Brent Burzycki – Burzycki Frederick Van Johnson – +Frederick Van Johnson Tor Alexander – www.toralexander.comLuana Lani – Lani Plus others as they are added We will be having an open forum discussion and Q&A with all that attend on the following topics, plus any the attendees wish to add or ask. Please post questions you would like us to cover in the comments here or email them to: Topic List: Glamour Work Models Equipment Social Media and photography Model Releases Recruiting Models Lighting setups and why we use what we use Equipment and Travel No need to blow your budget on equip. to get good results How to get started in […]

Are you using MESSENGER here on G+………? If so how are you using it? This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

.. great idea to give back to the followers….nothing more than giving away your own images for others to enjoy Reshared post from +Patrick Di Fruscia IMPORTANT Contest Giveaway – Two Limited Edition Fine Art Prints – Vol.2(valued at $750.00 each) Sorry for reposting this but the response was more than I anticipated 🙂 Since I already reached the Google + Limit of 500 comments with my first post, Please reshare & leave comments in this one to let me know that you have shared my post* It is really important to leave a comment once you shared my post, this is the best way for me to know that you did. To celebrate the arrival of 100 000 Google + users that have circled me, I have decided to create a contest and give away not one but TWO of my Limited Edition Fine Art Prints 24x36in (valued at $750.00 each) The winners will choose the print of their choice from my gallery located here Prints will be supplied with a certificate of authenticity. To Enter the contest, simply reshare this post and let me know you did by leaving a comment below. I will also keep track […]