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badly.. Honestly I want Black Knight, but this might also be ok…. Do you have a spare 5600.00 bucks lying around? Brochure: Video: AC/DC Pro Model Features: • 1 Ramp Mounted Magnetic Diverter For Cannon Loading• High Definition Color Cabinet and Decal Artwork• Motorized Rotating Ball Cannon, Player Controlled• 3 “Thunderstruck” Standup Targets w/ Super Bright Flash Lamps• 4 “ROCK” Standup Targets (on right)• Lit Start/Fire Cannon Button w/ Laser Cut S/S Trim Plate• Back Panel Jukebox Song Selector w/ Flashing Red Horns• Posi-Lock Ball Ejector and Electric Top Gate• 2 Molded Super Speed Ramps• T.N.T. Explosion Butyrates In Key Locations• 2 High Powered Slingshots• 3 Super Bright LED Jet Bumpers• 1 “Greased Lightning” Spinning Target• Traditional Country-Specific Coin Door• 8 Inch Cabinet Speaker with bold, enhanced sound quality• QR Codes • Molded “Hells Bell” Toy, Fixed, W/Standup Target• Fixed T.N.T. Detonator• Band Member Butyrate Display• 5 AC/DC Standup Targets (on left)• 3 T.N.T. Standup Targets (center) • Black ABS Lower Arch• "Latch" Lockdown Bar MSRP $5,699 #stern   #sternpinball   #CES   This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

11 Jan 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Seems to be working well on my Nexus10 Reshared post from +JR Raphael Google just launched a Chrome Beta channel for Android phones and tablets Get it while it's hot. (More info here: …and here: View this post on Google+

Here is your chance…. Reader Questions & Answers | Coptalk.Info – What you do not know will shock you! We are now finally going through the hundreds of questions that have been submitted to us. Many have been replied too and many will be showing up in future View this post on Google+

Thought I should put that out there…. View this post on Google+

I love my +Fitbit – last year I traveled 690 miles on foot.. or the Distance around the Serengeti… Personal data stats are the new coolest way to better understand what we do on a daily basis and drive us to get more fit… Or in my case much more lazy on July and sundays.. View this post on Google+

thanks to +500px and their Canvas print services….. View this post on Google+

07 Jan 2013 admin In G+ Posts Tags: ,

This is the one I want…MF Nikkor Super telephoto Zoom lense 1200-1700mm f/5.6~8.0s P ED IFBut I think I rather buy a car… +Nikon G+ Users Circle  #nikon   #nikonlenses   This post has been reshared 23 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

It's both my favorite and least favorite time of the year View this post on Google+

06 Jan 2013 admin In G+ Posts

and foreground objects… never forget to use them to make shots more interesting… Or more cluttered depending on who you ask.. and trust me there are some real opinions about it….  This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

+Android Photographers  #androidography   This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Sometimes being a mod you have to do what must be done… Please give us moderation tools – I beg of thee! This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Give it a listen – Tons of info crammed into the shows lately…. Reshared post from +Frederick Van Johnson How Photographers Use Social Media TWiP 288 – Instagram’s Terms of Service Snafu– CES Expectations and Predictions– Photography and Publishing in 2013 w/ +Doug Kaye +Valerie Jardin +Martin Bailey & Frederick Van Johnson Plus an Interview with ‘the Godfather of TWiP’ +Scott Bourne TWiP #288 – How Photographers Use Social Media | This Week in Photo Hosts: Frederick Van Johnson, Doug Kaye, Valerie Jardin and Martin Bailey. Episode Overview. This week on TWiP, we are back in the Google+ Hangout format! Here’s what’s on tap: Instagram’s Terms of Se… This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

04 Jan 2013 admin In G+ Posts

View this post on Google+

04 Jan 2013 admin In G+ Posts – How cool is that…. man that have a ton of different one.. I would totally do this in my house…. I smell a photo shoot opportunity… This post has been reshared 6 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

We are not huge – but we are active – Remember size does not matter… quality does.. Also you can ask questions for the Podcast right from the Community in the "Questions for the Show" sub category… View this post on Google+

This right here is my new favorite Smilie that will be my reply to all messages for the rest of the day….. View this post on Google+

very rare for California…. View this post on Google+

Well the ultimate compliment to get as a photographer is to have someone buy your work (no matter the price paid) – but it goes a step further when they decorate their sons room with them… and then send photos I have found a new market for Aviation prints…. 2-10 y/o's that like Jets…! Well their parents… #aviationphotography   #aviation   #bestof2012   This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

New camera strap…. CheckPedometer……. Check Cool place to walk each evening…. Check… I am bound to get more cool photos if I actually get off my butt and go try to find them..  View this post on Google+

"Gonna start a gym called "Resolutions". For the first two weeks, it's a gym. The rest of the year, it becomes a bar…." Classic… and a good business model… #resolutions   #resolutions2013   #happynewyear   This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

But that is what we do as humans…. deal with both bad and good…Those challenges make us who we are…..We post the good stuff here on G+ and then complain on Facebook …  I am ok with that…. 🙂 Enjoy 2013 – Hopefully the community here will just continue to get better and larger….. #happynewyear   #happynewyear2013   View this post on Google+

it seems to use up storage… #TWIG   This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Look at these stats and the images are epic…… Seitz 6×17 Digital Full Video here: Gallery Link: Instead of the common digital camera sensor which records the entire scene at once, the Seitz 6×17'' uses a scanner to literally scan the view through the lens. The end result is 160 megapixel images in a panoramic format. It does the job a bit faster than your average flatbed scanner though, recording a full-sized frame (21 250 x 7500 pixels) in two seconds. It's big, it's heavy (5 kilos if you wish to use it outside a studio) and quite silly, but it turns out huge, amazing photos – and it should, costing as it does $42 000. 160 million pixels of beauty – the only digital 6×17 camera! Super fast image capture –  300 MB of data per second!High resolution 6×17 digital images – 160 million pixelsSeitz D3 digital scan back interchangeable with Roundshot D3 cameraWorld class Schneider lenses on Seitz boards as well as Linhof or Fuji 617 lenses Easy camera control and image preview + storage with connected tablet PC computer or any 64-bit PC or Mac computer Powerful capture software for easy camera handling and Seitz raw converter […]

Aviation is so much fun to shoot… something about great reflective surfaces… and man's need to fly…. Make sure to checkout our Aviation Photo Community also: This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

31 Dec 2012 admin In G+ Posts

let's talk about them – it's like group therapy for lens owners…. Join the community and put in your 2 cents worth… Moderated by:+Leo Deegan +Jason Joseph  View this post on Google+