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15 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

+Glove and Boots  View this post on Google+

14 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

This is so true….  This post has been reshared 5 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

13 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

And if you like them you have a chance below to talk to them on a G+ Hangout… Originally shared by +Volbeat Meet #Volbeat live!Chat with the band in a Google Hangout this Aug 18th . Post your question for VOLBEAT with the hashtag #askvolbeat as a comment below and win your chance to JOIN THE HANGOUT IN PERSON on Aug 18th. #askvolbeat #googlehangoutchat #googlehangoutonair

And if you like them you have a chance below to talk to them on a G+ Hangout… Reshared post from +Volbeat Meet #Volbeat  live!Chat with the band in a Google Hangout this Aug 18th . Post your question for VOLBEAT with the hashtag #askvolbeat   as a comment below and win your chance to JOIN THE HANGOUT IN PERSON on Aug 18th.  #askvolbeat   #googlehangoutchat   #googlehangoutonair   View this post on Google+

boy was I in for a surprise… 30K in equipment later and now in 2013, I think I finally understand you cannot read a book and become a decent photographer. I have not learned even a bit of what I need to know if I was going to try to go pro… This post has been reshared 5 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

11 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

One of my first shots.. Back in 2003 is when I decided that anyone can take a good photo… boy was I in for a surprise… 30K in equipment later and now in 2013, I think I finally understand you cannot read a book and become a decent photographer. I have not learned even a bit of what I need to know if I was going to try to go pro… A pro is one who is totally dedicated and can also market and make a buck.. I am not that person.. But beautiful models can help you lo… View this post on Google+

11 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

I have been thinking of getting a Pro DJ setup just to call it a way of meditating and de-stressing.. but I have to say this girl is not bad, but clearly she knows how to market…  This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

just having the Auto Auto Awesome..? View this post on Google+

11 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

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10 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

And why I do not drink…  

And why I do not drink…  View this post on Google+

My new way to deal with traffic…. This post has been reshared 5 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

I know it will be gone tomorrow or in 5 minutes.., but that is some impressive stock gains for today… View this post on Google+

06 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Reshared post from +Matthew H This post has been reshared 5 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Hey +Sandra Parlow you want to borrow this copy when i am done 🙂  

and it seems this new book will lead me to true enlightenment…  Hey +Sandra Parlow you want to borrow this copy when i am done :) This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

05 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Full Burn Thunderbirds – Air Force View this post on Google+

cool presents have turned into plants and no longer GI JOE's …. My neighbor got me one of the coolest looking Orchids I have seen in awhile… I think it might be of alien origin…..  View this post on Google+

Does it work?Do you take advantage of the almost limitless number of creative options in your work?Never be afraid to experiment and never care what others say… experiments fail all the time..  

Does it work?Do you take advantage of the almost limitless number of creative options in your work?Never be afraid to experiment and never care what others say… experiments fail all the time.. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Interesting and well done internet security overview for most people that just do not fully get the issues on the net… or so you can sound smart at your next meeting.. Link to the 135 page pdf: Do not worry the print is in large font and it has a lot of pictures. #malware   In Album 2013-08-04

In album 2013-08-04 Interesting and well done internet security overview for most people that just do not fully get the issues on the net… or so you can sound smart at your next meeting.. Link to the 135 page pdf: Do not worry the print is in large font and it has a lot of pictures. #malware   View this post on Google+

04 Aug 2013 admin In G+ Posts

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