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03 Jan 2014 admin In G+ Posts

This post has been reshared 4 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Take advantage Sci Fi lovers…. Originally shared by +Jim Sutton Celebrate National Science Fiction Day with FREE eBooks! “What senses do we lack that we cannot see or hear another world all around us?” – Frank Herbert, Dune Here are a few links (there are many, many more) to free works of wonderful science fiction for your enjoyment. Control the universe! (p.s. this should really be INTERnational Science Fiction Day, don't you agree? h/t +Donna Zachare) 36 Places for Free Science Fiction & Fantasy Audiobooks Online: Science Fiction – Free Books Online: obooko – Free Science Fiction Books: Project Gutenberg – Free Science Fiction (Bookshelf): E-Books Directory – Free Science Fiction: #sciencefiction #scifi #free #ebooks #nationalsciencefictionday  

Take advantage Sci Fi lovers…. Originally shared by +Jim Sutton Celebrate National Science Fiction Day with FREE eBooks! “What senses do we lack that we cannot see or hear another world all around us?” – Frank Herbert, Dune Here are a few links (there are many, many more) to free works of wonderful science fiction for your enjoyment. Control the universe! (p.s. this should really be INTERnational Science Fiction Day, don't you agree? h/t +Donna Zachare) 36 Places for Free Science Fiction & Fantasy Audiobooks Online: Science Fiction – Free Books Online: obooko – Free Science Fiction Books: Project Gutenberg – Free Science Fiction (Bookshelf): E-Books Directory – Free Science Fiction: #sciencefiction #scifi #free #ebooks #nationalsciencefictionday  

Reshared post from +Jim Sutton Celebrate National Science Fiction Day with FREE eBooks! “What senses do we lack that we cannot see or hear another world all around us?”       – Frank Herbert, Dune Here are a few links (there are many, many more) to free works of wonderful science fiction for your enjoyment. Control the universe! (p.s. this should really be INTERnational Science Fiction Day, don't you agree? h/t +Donna Zachare)  36 Places for Free Science Fiction & Fantasy Audiobooks Online: Science Fiction – Free Books Online: obooko – Free Science Fiction Books: Project Gutenberg – Free Science Fiction (Bookshelf): E-Books Directory – Free Science Fiction: #sciencefiction   #scifi   #free   #ebooks   #nationalsciencefictionday   This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Originally shared by +Dan Hall If you haven't done this already, be sure to turn this setting on in Lightroom The Most Important Setting in Lightroom is Set To Off By Default | FstoppersThe Most Important Setting in Lightroom is Set To Off By Default. “Trevor, I have been editing this wedding for the last few days and now my Lightroom catalog says it is corrupted! When I opened a new catalog and reimported the photos from my hard disk I can’t find any of my previous edits I …

IMPORTANT TIP FOR LIGHTROOM USERS Reshared post from +Dan Hall If you haven't done this already, be sure to turn this setting on in Lightroom The Most Important Setting in Lightroom is Set To Off By Default | Fstoppers The Most Important Setting in Lightroom is Set To Off By Default. “Trevor, I have been editing this wedding for the last few days and now my Lightroom catalog says it is corrupted! When I opened a new catalog and reimported the photos from my hard disk I can’t find any of my previous edits I … This post has been reshared 4 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

02 Jan 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Originally shared by +SETI Institute Spitzer Space Telescope has discovered an enormous ring around Saturn — by far the largest of the giant planet’s many rings. The ring itself is tenuous, made up of a thin array of ice and dust particles. Spitzer’s infrared eyes were able to spot the ring's glow.  

02 Jan 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Our little solar system gets even more complex… Reshared post from +SETI Institute Spitzer Space Telescope has discovered an enormous ring around Saturn — by far the largest of the giant planet’s many rings. The ring itself is tenuous, made up of a thin array of ice and dust particles. Spitzer’s infrared eyes were able to spot the ring's glow. View this post on Google+

01 Jan 2014 admin In G+ Posts

+TWiT keep up the great work…. Originally shared by +Brent Burzycki HAPPY NEW YEAR! Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters all around!  

01 Jan 2014 admin In G+ Posts

an class=”proflinkPrefix”>+TWiT keep up the great work…. Reshared post from +Brent Burzycki HAPPY NEW YEAR! Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters all around!  View this post on Google+

01 Jan 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters all around!  

01 Jan 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters all around!  

01 Jan 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters all around!  This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

#1 – More photos#2 – Better Fitness#3 – More Photos………!  

#1 – More photos#2 – Better Fitness#3 – More Photos………!  

Well good by 2013 – You hard your ups and downs – Here is to 2014 that better be more up than down #1 – More photos#2 – Better Fitness#3 – More Photos………! This post has been reshared 13 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

Pointers? Tips? Brand you like?  

Pointers? Tips? Brand you like?  

Pointers? Tips? Brand you like? This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+

30 Dec 2013 admin In G+ Posts

The best gift for ditches….  

The best gift for ditches…. This post has been reshared 24 times on Google+ View this post on Google+ “Army of One” is a free novella set in B. V. Larson's Star Force universe.The Macros are invading from the skies. And the only nanotized man who isn’t officially part of Star Force learns how hard it can be to avoid an interstellar war. Enjoy +Audible #audible “Army of One” is a free novella set in B. V. Larson's Star Force universe.The Macros are invading from the skies. And the only nanotized man who isn’t officially part of Star Force learns how hard it can be to avoid an interstellar war. Enjoy +Audible #audible  

Audible User? – Looking for a short free good sci-fi read – go grab this: “Army of One” is a free novella set in B. V. Larson's Star Force universe.The Macros are invading from the skies. And the only nanotized man who isn’t officially part of Star Force learns how hard it can be to avoid an interstellar war. Enjoy +Audible  #audible   View this post on Google+

I can only imagine the prices… Originally shared by +John Mason This might be of interest to some. Apparently the domain extensions for .camera .gallery and .photography are coming up in February. Pre-registration is open now. Starting this summer, the Web is expanding like never before with the release of hundreds of new Top-Level Domains. Click to see how GoDaddy is leading the way to keep you ahead of the crowd and help you get the name that’s perfect for you.100s of new domains are coming – .SHOP, .CLUB, .NYC and more. Increase your chances of getting the domain you want – Follow it now at GoDaddy.