Clearly I must be missing something or have to rethink how I share things… She is complaining about G+ why? Over 3200 + 1s and it appears its not even her photo? Someone help me understand….. Reshared post from +Syuzanna A. I'm Soo upset about G+ 🙁 – Don't feel like to share something , or say And I have more than 17.000 followers , so I'll just ask STAY or LEAVE ?And I'll do how only you'll sayFor questiions mail me from profile !Photo from – World in Photo collection ! This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Atom-smashing scientists reach highest ever recorded man-made temperature – 100,000 TIMES hotter then the Sun’s interior Scientists at CERN collided lead ions to create a searingly hot sub-atomic soup known as quark-gluon plasma at about 5.5trillion C, the hottest temperature ever recorded in an experiment. View this post on Google+
Anyone here use this stuff… a sufferer from chronic gut issues I would drink uranium if it would help…. if you use it let me know if you had good bad or indifferent results….Thanks… I probably need to start a chronic gut issue page…many could learn from my errors…. View this post on Google+
One great author….. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Anyone know if this is not just some urban legend…I say urban legend which is why I am sure it will be on What's Hot soon…. Pretty sure this image is wrong on many levels.. but I am looking to all the people that know more about Astronomy than I do to give some real answers…would be a great photo op if it were true…. Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza. Night Sky in Giza, Egypt on December 3, 2012, local time … one hour before sunrise compared with the Pyramids at Giza. Planets inline: Mercury / Venus / SaturnImage generated by Starry Night Pro This post has been reshared 7 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Is ranking high with your piers (ha: let's try peers) important to you? So +500px is a site that allows ranking / voting on images by all of their users which in turn is comprised by a ton of photographers. Is how you rank there important to you? Do you use it as a way to test if your photography style is accepted? In the case of model photography, do you feel that the models look or beauty is what is getting voted on or your image and image quality? This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
This goes for any model you shoot – not just the example in the photo below…. Scroll to the bottom to take the test and reply in the comments…… I began my career in the glamour photo marketplace about 8 years ago and since then I have learned much, dispelled many more rumors than truths and also learned that in the end there is only one really happy person if you do your job correctly. Let us start with the only person that will ever truly be happy with your work, that is your model. One of my rules when I shoot glamour is that if I cannot make the model happy with the images we shoot then I have failed as a photographer. My job as a glamour photography is to make an image that shows that model in their best most sensual or sexy light possible. You can accomplish this in many ways and those ways are based on how you implement and plan your shoot, what your subject matter is or simply what the client you are shooting for actually requires. With those criteria in place it comes down to using your skills as a photographer and […]
In album Wonders Of The Night (1 photo) Take a minute to add +Mike Berenson to your circles and check out his killer astrophotography…. My next major challenge in my photography will be pano work to hopefully include some astrophotography in that mix… Reshared post from +Mike Berenson Fingers In The Fire I've had one of these horizon-to-horizon Milky Way captures in-mind for a little while now… just been waiting for the right spot to try it. And while I really went up to Windy Ridge to catch the Perseids Meteor Shower, I ended up liking the results of this effort even more than the couple of meteors I was able to catch. In this image, the Milky Way stretches behind a scraggly looking tree all the way from one horizon to the other – reaching over to the light pollution and glow from the rising moon to the east. The composite image you see here comes from 18 individual captures that featured a little light painting at both ends – captured up on Windy Ridge in the Bristlecone Pine area near Alma, Colorado and then stitched together with Microsoft ICE. #starrynights #starrysky #astrophotography #milkyway #panorama […]
Have not seen this in years…… View this post on Google+
Thanks to +Mike Berenson for talking about this in his last post.. I must play with this software from Microsoft ICE – Image Composite Editor Check out the short video – it seems very impressive for the fact its free…. View this post on Google+
It seems that about a week into it I think I have already missed one day…Real life is so annoying and gets in the way of many side projects….I need the ability to clone… There were so many technical issues with this shoot…. so many…. Shoot more often = less issues of what you can forget to do or remember to do.. View this post on Google+
If you have ever watched Repo Men – You can basically win back your car if you answer a set of general knowledge questions correctly… People amaze me…… Here are some of the better questions and answers: BEST OF REPO GAMES: QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Q: What Founding Father conducted an experiment to prove that lighting was a form of electricity by flying a kite in a thunderstorm? A: Bill Clinton Q: What legendary hero, hung out in Sherwood Forest, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor with the help of his merry men? A: Barack Obama Q: Italy and France are both located on what continent? A: East continent Q: What process helps plants use sunlight to make food? A: Dirt Q: What is the plural of the word tooth? A: Tootheses Obama Lives In Sherwood Forest Sneak Peek Our fearless host Josh Lewis finally meets the girl of his dreams while doing a Repo on Nikki and her ’04 Pontiac Grand Prix. What a lucky guy. Watch all-new episodes of Repo Games Tuesdays at… View this post on Google+
In album So far its a pretty fun game… we will see if it can keep up with the original…Version II games just never seem to be as good as the originals.. thou in many cases with games these days – at least for me – it is the story that pulls me in and keeps me playing.. I have not picked up a game or my xbox controller for over 4 months… View this post on Google+
Sony Google TV update….first in a long time…stability fixes….man I hope…as mine has been temperamental like a ticked off hippopotamus lately…maybe +All About Android can fill us in….. View this post on Google+
One trillion frames per second… And a great +TED talk… Reshared post from +Klaus Herrmann 1,000,000,000,000 Frames/Second Photography How about that for a shutter speed, eh? This is real rocket science: A camera that can film photons in flight. In doing this, it reaches towards the extreme outer edges of physics where weird relativistic effects take place. Just as a comparison: If you would be filming a bullet flying through that bottle at 1,000,000,000,000 Frames/Second, you would have to watch a whole year to see it go through. PS: Why they used a Coca Cola bottle to demonstrate this is beyond me, though! ;-) This post has been reshared 6 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
2.1 Project Scope of Work The Harbor Department is seeking the services of a professional freelance photographer to provide on-call,on-site photography for use in the promotion of the Port of Los Angeles through publications, press releases and other media. The services may involve day and/or night aerial and ground shots throughout the Port of Los Angeles and the Greater Los Angeles area. High Definition (HD) videographer services may also be requested. The required work will involve acquisition of high-resolution, professionally composed digital camera images shot from land, on the water, or from the air. A variety of lenses may be required including, but not limited to, wide angle and telephoto lenses. Acceptable digital camera equipment must feature at least an 115 mega pixel image sensor and be capable of producing RGB RAW image files. All on-call photography assignments shall be delivered on Mac compatible Flash Drives, CD or DVD disks, a portable hard drive as high resolution, or color corrected JPEG images. The Harbor Department Graphics Supervisor may request specific file formats on a per job basis. On occasion, rush photos may be delivered via email or by large file format methods. High Definition (1080p) video clips may be requested during occasional assignments. This can be accomplished using professional […]
or – There Here….And if you are here.. take me off this planet.. I need a change of pace… View this post on Google+
Ut Oh – Post Software update – Auto Correct or Spell Check is not working on the MSL +NASA View this post on Google+
this should be an interesting goal with my schedule I find myself caring much more about good clouds and sunsets more than getting my work done for the next day now…… Funny how photography truly can change your outlook and the way you look at everything….. This would be tonight's sunset… pay no attention to the bird feeder behind the curtain.. that is mearly a figment of your imagination… This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
PS: There are some smart people doing science in this world…. Orbiter Views NASA’s New Mars Rover in Color – NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory The first color image taken from orbit showing NASA’s rover Curiosity on Mars shows details of the layered bedrock in Gale Crater that the rover is starting to investigate. View this post on Google+ Today only it looks like……. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
I know a few people that could benefit from this type of delete and upload Fingers crossed for this portion of the mission to go without a hitch… Curiosity Preps for a Planned 'Brain Transplant'Fri, 10 Aug 2012 04:34:28 PM PDT A healthy Curiosity spent Sol 4, its fifth day on Mars, preparing for this weekend's planned "brain transplant"–transitioning to a new version of flight software on both of Curiosity's redundant main computers. The new software is better suited for Mars surface operations, such as driving and using Curiosity's robotic arm. The "brain transplant" will take place during a series of steps beginning this evening and continuing through Aug. 13. The new software was uploaded to the rover's memory during the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft's flight from Earth. Key capabilities in the new software enable full use of Curiosity's powerful robotic arm and drill, and advanced image processing to check for obstacles while driving. This will ultimately allow Curiosity to make longer drives by giving the rover more autonomy to identify and avoid potential hazards and to drive along a safe path that the rover identifies for itself. The flight team elected to defer further science activities until after the flight software […]
Man we have got to try to get our little USA under a bit more control it seems… No easy way to do that……..sadly.. Multiple people shot near Texas A&M campus Police spokeswoman tells CNN multiple people, including law enforcement, shot near Texas A&M campus; suspect in custody View this post on Google+
Well I have finally figured out how stars are formed… in the middle of the night these lines (Let's call them UFO's) go across the sky and poop out little stars… then they spread out from there…. I knew I would figure it out eventually… View this post on Google+
Ouch……… View this post on Google+