Originally shared by +Karl Batchelor Love the colour on this aircraft..shot at RIAT.
Originally shared by +Olav de With Сухой Су-27 «Русские Витязи» /Sukhoi Su-27 "Russian Knights" http://russianknights.ru/su-27/
Great tips from +Jim Goldstein Originally shared by +Jim Goldstein Blue Angels Jet Flying Past the Golden Gate Bridge – San Francisco Fleet Week 2007 If you're in the SF bay area here are tips to get great Blue Angels photos:10 Essential Tips to Get Great Blue Angels Photoshttp://www.jmg-galleries.com/blog/2008/10/09/10-essential-tips-to-get-great-blue-angels-photos/
Originally shared by +Alexander Viduetsky Diamond formation.
The top 10 reasons why U-2 pilots have one of the coolest jobs out there: http://lmt.co/1OlGetI 10 Reasons Why Being a U-2 Pilot Is Cool · Lockheed MartinThe U-2 program is celebrating 60 years of operational excellence as the world’s premier intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platform. From the pilots’ perspective, they fly knowing that they ultimately contribute to the safety of our troops on the ground and our nation. Here are the top 10 reasons why being a U-2 pilot is cool. U-2 pilots:
Rare to see the Thunderbirds in San Francisco… # USAF on their return trip from Mather in Sacramento. They flew right past the Blue Angels who are in town for Fleet Week SF…… Wish they flew together for that event this weekend…
Originally shared by +E-pic.se Biltemas Spitfire shot at Flygkalaset 2015 in Växjö. More Spitfire images here: http://www.e-pic.se/Aircraft/Aircraft-sorted-by-type/Supermarine/Supermarine-Spitfire/ #Supermarine #Spitfire #Aircraft #Aviation #Fighter #E_PIC_SE
Originally shared by +Mark Fann