
02 Oct 2016 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 19

  1. Md.Shahadat Amin 2 Oct 2016 Reply

    Beautiful. Alhumdulillah.

  2. ✌👍👍👍

  3. Space ride: this one goes to the nsss

  4. Dan Levi 2 Oct 2016 Reply

    Sleek machine.

  5. Jeb Hoge 2 Oct 2016 Reply

    One of the most "just right" looking airplanes ever.

  6. +Md.Shahadat Amin AlHeim sJalleiKum

  7. Kim S 2 Oct 2016 Reply

    I like this

  8. Kim S 2 Oct 2016 Reply

    I want a ride

  9. Ike Rouse 3 Oct 2016 Reply

    Super bad

  10. Jerry Liao 3 Oct 2016 Reply


  11. nice

  12. Ike Rouse 4 Oct 2016 Reply

    Made a model of this magistical plane also. Those were the days. Bet you 100 pounds these kids today wouldn't know how to put a snap on together let alone a puzzle

  13. Ike Rouse 4 Oct 2016 Reply

    Maketh me want to shed tears for the mind is a terrible thing to waste

  14. Desiree Pipitone 6 Oct 2016 Reply

    Hi lik good happy ues ok

  15. Wilber Morales 17 Oct 2016 Reply


  16. gary valencia 17 Oct 2016 Reply

    F-20 Tigershark

  17. Manmohan Chawla 19 Oct 2016 Reply

    This bird must be having a "Tall Boy" undercarriage.

  18. Brian Lemcke 14 Nov 2016 Reply

    No its an F-5

  19. Ike Rouse 14 Nov 2016 Reply

    F- 20 tiger shark lost out to the F-18 Hornet dude

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