So I just finished Assassin's Creed Revelations

07 Jan 2012 admin In G+ Posts
I have to say I really enjoyed this series of games… Ubisoft really did a great job on story and plot design and having a game that is fun to play and lose yourself into a twisted world of time travel, memory loss, a brutal history lesson and clearly some of the coolest fighting you can find in a game that is not just a boring first person shooter.

Sad to see this series ending…. Well if it is – but it does seem to be the final game in the series….

+Ubisoft thanks for bringing this massive project together for us gamers out there that enjoy a story and a game you can set down and come back too for days weeks or months as needed.

I recommend it for the gamer that also has a full time job or two and needs a way of turning off reality for a time each week to maintain your sanity…

Comments: 4

  1. Brent Burzycki 7 Jan 2012 Reply

    +Maryanne Carman Just do not watch the short movie they just released till after you play the game…. it is supposed to wrap up the lives of the characters….and the end of the game…

  2. Deon Odendaal 7 Jan 2012 Reply

    I have yet to play Revelations, but I've played every other one – at least twice! There is simply no other game or series of games that can compare with AC. The characters and the story is so well developed that you can completely lose yourself in it. Very sad to see it end.

  3. Brent Burzycki 7 Jan 2012 Reply

    What is truly impressive to me is how many people were involved in the series of games… I have never seen a list of credits like is at the end of this game.. it is a good 10 minutes of scrolling names ….

    I just downloaded and watched the finale you might call it – AC Embers – It is a good way to sum up Ezio's world in general.. it does make you think just how difficult it would be to live a life like his.. the constant threat of death around each corner and then trying to establish some normality at the end of your life….

    I believe good stories are supposed to make you think… that makes you think..

  4. Alessio Mangoni 7 Jan 2012 Reply

    There has to be another episode! Just an end of the Desmond story.. btw, greatest series! Waiting for a complete box to buy. Meanwhile I'm reading Alamut,and other stuff on the Assassin order. Just wondering if they disappeared or if something is still alive nowadays

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