A worth while 12min behind the scenes look… Embedded Link HD Full throttle – Death @ TT Isle of Man (IOMTT) Road Racing Isle of Man Tourist Trophy. TT the best race ever… Riders die at the sport they love… People even die at the comfort of their bed doing what they love…… This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Everyone needs to buy this
Everyone needs to buy this View this post on Google+
View this post on Google+
*Helmet with heads up display, rear view, integrated BT and NAV http://youtu.be/b7AYfq9uIY8 This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
So much for that semi early bed time so I can get up at 5am …… ah…. I do love me some technology.. "You should run a web hosting server… it will be great.. you will make money and everyone will like you…." I should have never listened to that years ago….
Servers pick the best time to take a dump.. yes just what I wanted to be doing at 10 at night.. pulling down servers, syncing files and re-testing sites…. for unplanned "maintenance" and maintenance really means to upgrade the OS for possible memory leaks that have been taking out the server on and off for the past week.. So much for that semi early bed time so I can get up at 5am …… ah…. I do love me some technology.. "You should run a web hosting server… it will be great.. you will make money and everyone will like you…." I should have never listened to that years ago…. View this post on Google+
A contest definitely worth a post.. follow the rules below – Your photo will be seen by thousands here on G+ Originally shared by +Margaret Tompkins Landscape Photography Community Fans, Let's have some FUN!!! Welcome to the Landscape Photography Community People's Choice Contest Theme of Water Rules1) You must be a member of the Landscape Photography Community.2) Only ONE photograph per member is allowed. If you submit more than one photo, all of your photos will be removed.3) Your photo MUST be ORIGINAL. If you post the work of someone else, you will be banned from the community.4) This must be a landscape photograph with an element of "water", the water may be a lake, waterfall, river, ocean, bucket of water, drop of water, etc. and the water may be in any form such as frozen, steam, or liquid.5) Voting: This is People's Choice so whoever gets the most +1s wins!!6) Photos must be posted no later than December 9, 2013 5 pm CST. Those posted after that time will be removed.7) Voting ends at December 11, 2013 5 pm CST.
A contest definitely worth a post.. follow the rules below – Your photo will be seen by thousands here on G+ Originally shared by +Margaret Tompkins Landscape Photography Community Fans, Let's have some FUN!!! Welcome to the Landscape Photography Community People's Choice Contest Theme of Water Rules1) You must be a member of the Landscape Photography Community.2) Only ONE photograph per member is allowed. If you submit more than one photo, all of your photos will be removed.3) Your photo MUST be ORIGINAL. If you post the work of someone else, you will be banned from the community.4) This must be a landscape photograph with an element of "water", the water may be a lake, waterfall, river, ocean, bucket of water, drop of water, etc. and the water may be in any form such as frozen, steam, or liquid.5) Voting: This is People's Choice so whoever gets the most +1s wins!!6) Photos must be posted no later than December 9, 2013 5 pm CST. Those posted after that time will be removed.7) Voting ends at December 11, 2013 5 pm CST.
follow the rules below – Your photo will be seen by thousands here on G+ Reshared post from +Margaret Tompkins Landscape Photography Community Fans, Let's have some FUN!!! Welcome to the Landscape Photography Community People's Choice Contest Theme of Water Rules1) You must be a member of the Landscape Photography Community.2) Only ONE photograph per member is allowed. If you submit more than one photo, all of your photos will be removed.3) Your photo MUST be ORIGINAL. If you post the work of someone else, you will be banned from the community.4) This must be a landscape photograph with an element of "water", the water may be a lake, waterfall, river, ocean, bucket of water, drop of water, etc. and the water may be in any form such as frozen, steam, or liquid.5) Voting: This is People's Choice so whoever gets the most +1s wins!!6) Photos must be posted no later than December 9, 2013 5 pm CST. Those posted after that time will be removed.7) Voting ends at December 11, 2013 5 pm CST. View this post on Google+
Umm.. this is NOT a good idea…
this is NOT a good idea… This post has been reshared 4 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Wow my twitter account was a cess pool of porn… – Time to flush that and start over… guess I should check it every once in a while.. if you are on Twitter.. active photographer, cool science or tech person post your twitter up so I can follow some new interesting people…
Wow my twitter account was a cess pool of porn… – Time to flush that and start over… guess I should check it every once in a while.. if you are on Twitter.. active photographer, cool science or tech person post your twitter up so I can follow some new interesting people… View this post on Google+
Helpful info from +Jay Patel Originally shared by +Jay Patel #Photography: How do you deal with Extreme Tonal Range?HDR? GND Filters? #Photoshop Skills? Filters & Diffusers? Guess again!! I learnt to deal with extreme tonal range early in my career…long before I knew how to use Photoshop. Enjoy & Share.____________ #landscapephotography #waterfall #olympicnationalpark How do you deal with extreme tonal range?
Helpful info from +Jay Patel Originally shared by +Jay Patel #Photography: How do you deal with Extreme Tonal Range?HDR? GND Filters? #Photoshop Skills? Filters & Diffusers? Guess again!! I learnt to deal with extreme tonal range early in my career…long before I knew how to use Photoshop. Enjoy & Share.____________ #landscapephotography #waterfall #olympicnationalpark How do you deal with extreme tonal range?
Helpful info from +Jay Patel Reshared post from +Jay Patel #Photography: How do you deal with Extreme Tonal Range?HDR? GND Filters? #Photoshop Skills? Filters & Diffusers? Guess again!! I learnt to deal with extreme tonal range early in my career…long before I knew how to use Photoshop. Enjoy & Share.____________ #landscapephotography #waterfall #olympicnationalpark How do you deal with extreme tonal range? View this post on Google+
Originally shared by +Matt Mastracci Dilbert FTW
Reshared post from +Matt Mastracci Dilbert FTW This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Would you?A) Hang a print like this over your couch?B) Why or why not and be honest… C) and if you did as an experiment what would your friends say? It does not need to be this print per say it would need to resemble the same genre…. I have plenty of answers but am curious who out there would or would not and why.. express your concerns for divorce below.. or even better if you are female would you? PS: If you are selling your own prints on large canvas you might want to check out what +500px is now offering on their site for sales.. Example link: https://500px.com/photo/52460332/canvas?from_photo_page=true#on-the-wall I have had really good luck with their print service.. I will be honest and say that I have only used it to print landscape work for my offices, but.. really decent pricing and great quality for the money. Zero damage on 5 large canvas prints delivered so far.. I do not work for them but real life feedback is very good so far….
Would you?A) Hang a print like this over your couch?B) Why or why not and be honest… C) and if you did as an experiment what would your friends say? It does not need to be this print per say it would need to resemble the same genre…. I have plenty of answers but am curious who out there would or would not and why.. express your concerns for divorce below.. or even better if you are female would you? PS: If you are selling your own prints on large canvas you might want to check out what +500px is now offering on their site for sales.. Example link: https://500px.com/photo/52460332/canvas?from_photo_page=true#on-the-wall I have had really good luck with their print service.. I will be honest and say that I have only used it to print landscape work for my offices, but.. really decent pricing and great quality for the money. Zero damage on 5 large canvas prints delivered so far.. I do not work for them but real life feedback is very good so far….
Would you?A) Hang a print like this over your couch?B) Why or why not and be honest… C) and if you did as an experiment what would your friends say? It does not need to be this print per say it would need to resemble the same genre…. I have plenty of answers but am curious who out there would or would not and why.. express your concerns for divorce below.. or even better if you are female would you? PS: If you are selling your own prints on large canvas you might want to check out what +500px is now offering on their site for sales.. Example link: https://500px.com/photo/52460332/canvas?from_photo_page=true#on-the-wall I have had really good luck with their print service.. I will be honest and say that I have only used it to print landscape work for my offices, but.. really decent pricing and great quality for the money. Zero damage on 5 large canvas prints delivered so far.. I do not work for them but real life feedback is very good so far…. This post has been reshared 5 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
I am sort of amazed how many naked people are on Vine….. Its the new place for porn it seems….
Its the new place for porn it seems…. View this post on Google+