#monochromemonday – What the heck – might as well toss this into the theme for Monday…. Might as well start playing in the B&W world again… +Monochrome Monday Curated by +Hans Berendsen +Jerry Johnson +Steve Barge +Dominique Hilbert This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
I will never get used to the heat… Love the cold…
This does not look good for tomorrow… It might be cresting 1000 out at this rate.. I will never get used to the heat… Love the cold… View this post on Google+
Well….. That's the hottest it's been here this year…. I'm……………. M……. E……. L….. T…… I…. N……. G………
That's the hottest it's been here this year…. I'm……………. M……. E……. L….. T…… I…. N……. G……… View this post on Google+
Side car racing on the Isle of Man TT….. Insanity… These guys are incredibly skilled riders…
Insanity… These guys are incredibly skilled riders… View this post on Google+
Just when I thought I had seen everything….. Bam…
Bam… This post has been reshared 6 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Interesting….. http://buypressybutton.com/
Programmable headphone jack button with macros and software set functions. Interesting….. http://buypressybutton.com/ View this post on Google+
I have always hated math… And really hate math tests… So this is very true for me… I might replace cry with just leave… But cry is close enough…
And really hate math tests… So this is very true for me… I might replace cry with just leave… But cry is close enough… This post has been reshared 23 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Now this is a great idea I should have thought of years ago… LEGO Figures Make Perfect Cable HoldersWho knew that LEGO designed their figures’ hands perfectly to hold Apple lightning and other types of cables? Stick a LEGO brick on your desk, attach LEGO figure(s), and, voilà, an ingenious cord-catching solution.
LEGO Figures Make Perfect Cable Holders Who knew that LEGO designed their figures’ hands perfectly to hold Apple lightning and other types of cables? Stick a LEGO brick on your desk, attach LEGO figure(s), and, voilà, an ingenious cord-catching solution. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Finally found my new car View this post on Google+
Jalopnik: 31-Year Old Spy Hunter Car Mystery Solved! http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwt7W8tRo 31-Year Old Spy Hunter Car Mystery Solved!So tonight while researching old driving games for that big poster, us Jalops were looking at some of the box/cabinet art for the famous game Spy Hunter. Specifically, we were looking at the car, which I always assumed was just made up for the game. But something clicked for Raph.
Jalopnik: 31-Year Old Spy Hunter Car Mystery Solved! http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwt7W8tRo 31-Year Old Spy Hunter Car Mystery Solved! So tonight while researching old driving games for that big poster, us Jalops were looking at some of the box/cabinet art for the famous game Spy Hunter. Specifically, we were looking at the car, which I always assumed was just made up for the game. But something clicked for Raph. View this post on Google+
Originally shared by +Swee Oh For the Sunset shooters 🙂
And so true…. Reshared post from +Swee Oh For the Sunset shooters :) This post has been reshared 6 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
I estimate today alone I was interrupted over 40 times during the day. In turn accomplished some but not near all of what I needed to do but over 100 % of with others needed.. I guess that means today i accomplished over 140% of my workload.. Managers will understand.. employees need to also.. 🙂
Quote of the Day: "Distractions make you Stupid" – I am not sure I totally agree with it but for the most part Distractions are stupid, and people should stick to their day to day plan and not allow others to distract them.. I estimate today alone I was interrupted over 40 times during the day. In turn accomplished some but not near all of what I needed to do but over 100 % of with others needed.. I guess that means today i accomplished over 140% of my workload.. Managers will understand.. employees need to also.. :) This post has been reshared 4 times on Google+ View this post on Google+