looks like an F-15 in a right turn (the stabilator gives it away). And the aircraft is not in afterburner. I think the photo has been turned 90 deg. So it looks like the Eagle is going straight up.
Still a cool plane. I know two F-15 drivers. Both loved the heavy ordinance platform. But your right it is out of date but I would not turn down a ride in one. If you see aF-22 Raptor fly that is incredible. Gross weight 70,000 lbs and 70,000 lbs of thrust. It can hold in an a vertical position.
One ? What plane in the U.S. Inventory flys mock 7 plus. If I took your meaning. The only plane that could come close is the SR 71 Blackbird. But it could only reach 3000 mph ground speed. But satellites replaced it. And no one but NASA still flys them but they may have stopped flying it as well.
A retired marine told me and I didn't believe him all I no for sure is its a pulse plane run with magnet's I heard a bout it again on a special doc. The other not still didn't get the name all I no it's navy
Yes a pulse engine is on drawing board for combate use. But it is more than ten years away at least. And the airframe will be one of two difficult issues to solve. That high speed generates a lot of heat on the airframe. The SR-71 Black bird actually leaks fluid on the ground because the airframe is not tight. It needs room for expansion when the plane reaches its high altitude and thin atmosphere the metal expands and the airframe tightens and the leaks stops. The other issue to solve is the strain on the pilot.
One point of intrest is the Black bird pilot flys at such a high altitude he has to wear a space suit. And when he looks up during day light hours he sees a night sky filled with stars.
The U-2 is the predessor to the SR-71. The U-2 flew high and fast but not as fast as the Black bird. Gary Powers was shot down by the Soviets when he flew the U-2 both planes were spy planes. He was traded back to the U.S. In exchange for Soviet spies
If your asking about about the SR-71 Black bird or the U-2 the are unarmed spy planes. The F-22 Raptor is what they term a generation five fighter jet. With enclosed missel racks for stealth flight and an 30 mm cannon. Just a note the skin surface is covered in 100,000s sensor that allow the pilot when he has his helmet on gives him greater situational awareness pluse where ever he looks he can see outside the aircracft. The Russians and Chinese both have gen five aircraft but not as sofisticated as the U.S. Airforce. That's why this is such a great country. If you are asking about the photo it is a fighter jet and a damn good one. They still make them for other countries but the U.S. Has mothballed ours.
That is a picture of a SR-71 Black bird. The intakes receive super sonic air speed but the turbin blades can not handel it. They would melt and/or fly apart. Given this plane was built in 1966 it is still somewhat classified because of the engineering done by weak large computers and men with pocket protector and slide rules. But going back to the air intake the cones that protrude from the intake help slow the air before it reaches the turbines. All plane enthusiast should go to Wright-Paterson AFB in Dayton Ohio for two reason. To see the enormous collection of planes they have. And the bike shop the Wright brothers built the first air plane. But make your reservation ahead of time because there is two more hangers on the base that are a must see. One being the plane that carried President Kenedys body back to D.C. While swearing in President Johnson with Jackie O Kennedy at his side. Plus that's where they keep the Allian. Truly. One of the tour guides called my wife over to a large metal door that must have be twenty feet high and fifteen feet across. He pulled it open for us only an we must have seen a dozen or so E.T's some where blow up and some stuffed. Most where green and a few dragons tossed in for good measure.
The other place where you can see a SR-71 is in Brimingham Alabama at red stone rocket center or space camp. They have one hanging from the ceiling. They also have a Saturn five rocket lying on its side. That is what took our astronauts to the moon. That is one large piece of engineering. Again doe by guys with slide rules.
Gotta admire geeks. They build the things that make under achievers look cool.
Google "scram jet". You won't believe how it works. But the only thing that uses scram jet engines is a missel and it does hit mock seven. The missel has to be dropped from an air craft and it burns a lot of fuel very fast so making it useful for an aircracft is not feasible because the plane would have to be carried under another air craft and dropped close to the target and fly fast. So fast it would take hundreds of miles to turn around and head back. But by that time it would run out of fuel. Just a note, if a refrigerator had a scram jet it would fly. Seriously
Amazing photo
Excellent ride
Preciosa foto,el avion es impresionante
Hello, very fast and most power aircraft
Wow !! Now thats is a site to see .
F-15 I believe. Very nice!
Sorry not an F-35
Wow! Just wow!!
Unbelievably cool photo, awesome jet! Thanks Brent
looks like an F-15 in a right turn (the stabilator gives it away). And the aircraft is not in afterburner. I think the photo has been turned 90 deg. So it looks like the Eagle is going straight up.
vc uytytytyggyyyyiu
vc uytytytyggyyyyiu
BC brovbrld
The F-15 Strike Eagle is the first aircraft to break the speed of sound in a veritical climb
It's out dated now nave is flying s plane tops out at mak
7 pulse plane
Still a cool plane. I know two F-15 drivers. Both loved the heavy ordinance
platform. But your right it is out of date but I would not turn down a ride
in one. If you see aF-22 Raptor fly that is incredible. Gross weight
70,000 lbs and 70,000 lbs of thrust. It can hold in an a vertical position.
Yes we we got some bad planes no doubt
One ? What plane in the U.S. Inventory flys mock 7 plus. If I took your
meaning. The only plane that could come close is the SR 71 Blackbird. But
it could only reach 3000 mph ground speed. But satellites replaced it. And
no one but NASA still flys them but they may have stopped flying it as well.
A retired marine told me and I didn't believe him all I no for sure is its a pulse plane run with magnet's I heard a bout it again on a special doc. The other not still didn't get the name all I no it's navy
+Mark Smith did you mean the U2 spy plane? They were incredibly fast
Cit may have Ben scraped by now you no the GOV.
Papa pye
Eagle in the sky
Yes please. It happens I too was Air Force.
Very Nice
Loving the pic one of my favourite planes
Nice eagle..
awsom pic,deadli eagle..
That looks like it might have been a test bird, are those thrust vectoring nozzles on the engines?
Nice picture
Was this taken in Wales, top photo. How come the nozzles are closed up like that?
Nice plane,but old now
Nice photo
Yes a pulse engine is on drawing board for combate use. But it is more than
ten years away at least. And the airframe will be one of two difficult
issues to solve. That high speed generates a lot of heat on the airframe.
The SR-71 Black bird actually leaks fluid on the ground because the
airframe is not tight. It needs room for expansion when the plane reaches
its high altitude and thin atmosphere the metal expands and the airframe
tightens and the leaks stops. The other issue to solve is the strain on the
One point of intrest is the Black bird pilot flys at such a high altitude
he has to wear a space suit. And when he looks up during day light hours he
sees a night sky filled with stars.
The U-2 is the predessor to the SR-71. The U-2 flew high and fast but not
as fast as the Black bird. Gary Powers was shot down by the Soviets when he
flew the U-2 both planes were spy planes. He was traded back to the U.S. In
exchange for Soviet spies
That is a Real Ride!
Now that's Noe
Great Pic!!!
thats really cool
What the heck is that
Is that a fighter jet
Beautiful F-15 pic very nice
If your asking about about the SR-71 Black bird or the U-2 the are unarmed
spy planes. The F-22 Raptor is what they term a generation five fighter
jet. With enclosed missel racks for stealth flight and an 30 mm cannon.
Just a note the skin surface is covered in 100,000s sensor that allow the
pilot when he has his helmet on gives him greater situational awareness
pluse where ever he looks he can see outside the aircracft. The Russians
and Chinese both have gen five aircraft but not as sofisticated as the U.S.
Airforce. That's why this is such a great country. If you are asking about
the photo it is a fighter jet and a damn good one. They still make them for
other countries but the U.S. Has mothballed ours.
Holy shit
That is so cooool

That is a picture of a SR-71 Black bird. The intakes receive super sonic
air speed but the turbin blades can not handel it. They would melt and/or
fly apart. Given this plane was built in 1966 it is still somewhat
classified because of the engineering done by weak large computers and men
with pocket protector and slide rules. But going back to the air intake the
cones that protrude from the intake help slow the air before it reaches the
turbines. All plane enthusiast should go to Wright-Paterson AFB in Dayton
Ohio for two reason. To see the enormous collection of planes they have.
And the bike shop the Wright brothers built the first air plane. But make
your reservation ahead of time because there is two more hangers on the
base that are a must see. One being the plane that carried President
Kenedys body back to D.C. While swearing in President Johnson with Jackie O
Kennedy at his side. Plus that's where they keep the Allian. Truly. One of
the tour guides called my wife over to a large metal door that must have be
twenty feet high and fifteen feet across. He pulled it open for us only an
we must have seen a dozen or so E.T's some where blow up and some stuffed.
Most where green and a few dragons tossed in for good measure.
The other place where you can see a SR-71 is in Brimingham Alabama at red
stone rocket center or space camp. They have one hanging from the ceiling.
They also have a Saturn five rocket lying on its side. That is what took
our astronauts to the moon. That is one large piece of engineering. Again
doe by guys with slide rules.
Gotta admire geeks. They build the things that make under achievers look
Google "scram jet". You won't believe how it works. But the only thing that
uses scram jet engines is a missel and it does hit mock seven. The missel
has to be dropped from an air craft and it burns a lot of fuel very fast so
making it useful for an aircracft is not feasible because the plane would
have to be carried under another air craft and dropped close to the target
and fly fast. So fast it would take hundreds of miles to turn around and
head back. But by that time it would run out of fuel. Just a note, if a
refrigerator had a scram jet it would fly. Seriously
F-15 eagle really great plane its unfortunate our president take it out of our Air Force.
+Onyi Onexi
Where is that at
That DEFINED bravery.
Wow wonderful
Me because I like planes problem
+LAS Railroad why did you comment on it if you didn't care get a life
Bad ass!!!
Go to TheHelloGreedo Mlg Hate him
That is the best thing I saw
F-15 eagle
What's up with its nozzles?
Maroyd Lloyd Daim
CNN app
Spectacular shot!
holy motherfucker
nice shot
An amazing picture and an amazing plane .
If that is real that is totally awesome
!!!! WOW!!!
F-15 in all it's glory!!!
What's scary is trump behind it
+Mark Smith yeah, I was really wondering if that was a vertical thrust…