New Day's Hope
Everyone should read and chime in on this post from +Tamara Pruessner as I have seen this decline in G+ and it worries me and my continuing participation.. make sure to comment on her post…. and this one if you wish… Originally shared by +Tamara Pruessner New Day's Hope I have been doing a lot of thinking about how my main stream no longer shows everyone, or even a few and their newest posts, about how my own posts get increasingly smaller interaction, and how if my posts are doing that, then everyone's are. I think the algorithm that governs what we see and what others see of our own stuff has gotten too restrictive. And it frustrates me to no end – especially when I have 100 new posts in my stream and most are either 24 hours old, something I have already seen (and plussed or commented) or both. Fresh isn't happening anymore and it is FRUSTRATING. I don't normally notify anyone of my posts but for this, I am (and I am not even sure how many will get the notification – over 3500 in my circles). What I am proposing is an experiment of sorts. To […]
07 Jan 2015 in G+ Posts, by