
20 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts Tags:

Comments: 26

  1. Sumit Sen 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    Almost like a reflection. Points of interest are well balanced! 🙂
    Lovely work.

  2. Jason ON 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    I like the subject-matter. 🙂

    But seriously, I don't know if it's my monitor or if the intended affect is to have the breasts and arm appear shiny, or reflective. But, maybe that's the intent as I'm seeing more of that now that I'm looking.

  3. Brent Burzycki 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    +Jason ON it is a bit of the effect and filtering… I think..

  4. Marc Briggs 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    Look at those big, beautiful….doe eyes 😉

  5. DeShaun Craddock 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    Man, I love the high key style of this. And your subject isn't bad either 😉

  6. Jessi June 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    She's cute +Brent Burzycki! Not Bad my friend! and I agree, I LOVE those eyes!!

  7. Matthew Vanecek 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    Pretty. Big eyes; did you use a wide angle, and on purpose for that?

  8. Clover Tinwah 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    Want…. lol

  9. Brent Burzycki 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    +Jessi June thanks… She has great eyes…. +Matt Vanecek this was shot with a 85mm prime… So it is very real as you see it….

  10. Matthew Vanecek 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    Wow. The eyes are very captivating. Overall I love it. Might've cropped in a little more forehead, but that's just me. The B&W treatment works really well, I think.

  11. Brent Burzycki 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    Thanks +Matt Vanecek

  12. Sandra Parlow 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    I've noticed that very few women comment on these photos… I wonder why that is?  ;P

  13. Brent Burzycki 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    No idea I wish more did because when they do it is the biggest compliment I can ask for as I try to make my work classy to women first and then fun for guys to see….

  14. Sandra Parlow 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    as far as the photo goes… well, I don't shoot people so my opinion probably means nothing… but I'm really finding the white spots on her breasts and shoulder a bit distracting.  Maybe seeing as I'm not a man, I'm not being distracted by her breasts as a whole.  I like the high key look… but maybe if those spots were more blended down or something… so they kind of fade away it might be less noticeable. 

  15. Terrell Woods 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    One of your more artistic works…from what I've had the privilege to see. I personally really like the tight composition. Really lends to a more dramatic looking photo. Did you shoot it tight or crop? Nice job. btw my girl loves your work…she's just a loser because she won't get on G+ Ha!

  16. Brent Burzycki 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    So i rarely ever crop I try to shoot how I want it in Camera… Early on I was told by a friend to fill the frame and I never looked back… Actually I. Cannot remember the last shot where I really cropped it in post… Which is interesting when I think about that..

  17. DeShaun Craddock 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    You know, +Sandra Parlow, I bet the blowouts on the breasts and shoulders are exaggerated due to G+ compression. I imagine the highlights to be a bit less drastic on the original.

  18. Todd Green 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    My portraits are usually low key.  I ought to try to emulate something like this… it opens a lot of creative possibilities.  BTW, did she say you were younger than she expected?

  19. David Ross 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    Nice high key portrait, like the style.

  20. Marco Frigè 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    Fantastic shot, hypnotizes the attention of the viewer leaving undecided whether to look at the eyes or breasts of the girl! In my opinion the shot is very interesting!

  21. Robert Stienstra 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    Wow, beautiful taken and so sexy, love this shot

  22. Mike Sivčević 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    My guess is that this was a throw-away overexposed image that was very cleverly saved by a smart crop, bw conversion and, well … good use of a gorgeous set of boobs. 

    Technically, I won't say it's rubbish but it's pretty stuffed up. Artistically, though – good job.

  23. Brent Burzycki 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    +Todd Green yes I get the you were younger line quite a bit…

    +Mike Sivčević sadly that is all wrong in how it was done but…. We are all very much allowed opinions… The original looks nothing like this shot…. And I think we all would see a very different side of what we all think is real or not if we all had to post an original shot with an edited shot….. I know I have done that in the past here to show that what you see and start with is not what you end with..

  24. Sandra Parlow 20 Sep 2012 Reply

    looking at this on a different screen today, the white highlights don't seem quite as contrasty as they did at home last night.   They're still there, just not as obvious.  I tend to find my work screen to be rather dark most of the time, but on this shot it's working well.

  25. Steve Boyko 21 Sep 2012 Reply

    Personally I think it's too high key to stand on its own… but on the other hand I think it would work well as a movie poster / ad / something as a background. So I'm torn. 🙂

  26. it has a japanese anime quality somehow which I like and yes my eyes bounce up and down – eyes – boobs – eyes. I do like the high key and crop. (No blown highlights on my monitor) More book cover than poster to me but I get what +Steve Boyko is saying

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