This is a huge issue for most when they are not in directional control of the vehicle. Also in all honesty – at least in my opinion the solution shown years ago in iRobot – where you have a vehicle that can link into automated lanes but also be driven manually is the best of both worlds..
I can fall asleep on the way to LA – but then take over and park myself or go off-road as needed. The steering wheel adapts as needed to not allow me to drive and gets out of the way…that way I can get work done…
We all can adapt to tech – those who do not want to can take the autonomous bus or trains.. but get them off the roads because 90% of the public cannot drive and really should not be allowed in anything but a self driving vehicle.
Sadly I believe most of the push back will be from politicians – Fuel Companies – etc that see their bottom line go down based on better efficiency. The amazing thing is how many would be truly effected by a world of self driving vehicles.
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But I don't get motion sick when I am a passenger, nor does my family while I am driving.
Shields up!
*affected. Sorry. It's one of those things that annoys me.
Well done Sir. Well done.