New Horizons …….. Travis AFB, CA

16 May 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Really need to open up these shots and look at them larger to have them make a real impact…. Did not turn out bad for someone that seems to have forgot what shutter speed, ISO and F Stop were that day…


Comments: 6

  1. Ariston Collander 16 May 2014 Reply

    And they look quite nice on G+ as opposed to Facebook. Have you used

  2. Brent Burzycki 16 May 2014 Reply

    Yep its up there also….. They look the best here and on 500px…. I should have put the link in here also to the 500px also…

  3. Kirk Reed 16 May 2014 Reply

    I opened it up, and loved the story that the smoke trails give. You could probably calculate the prop speed based on the smoke patterns. We all forget our camera settings sometimes. Two of my best shots were right after I pulled the camera out of the bag. Thankfully I shoot raw, and was able to pull the detail out. You took a good shot.

  4. Brent Burzycki 16 May 2014 Reply

    +Kirk Reed I can't count the number of times Raw has saved my butt

  5. Tom Sparks 16 May 2014 Reply

    Love this!

  6. Brent Burzycki 16 May 2014 Reply

    Thanks +Tom Sparks

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