Has anyone used one of these new cables yet?

23 Feb 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 5

  1. John Zaleski 23 Feb 2012 Reply

    Nifty but, wish it also had Micro-A instead of just Micro-B.

  2. Brent Burzycki 23 Feb 2012 Reply

    +John Zaleski ah see – there are way too many connectors….I knew there was something missing… Micro A is what most of the Android phones use right?

  3. John Zaleski 23 Feb 2012 Reply

    No Device can have Micro-A, its not USB spec legal. Most all smartphones have a Micro-B and for those which have USB OTG support will have a Micro-AB port so either a Micro-B or Micro-A cable will plug into it. The A-side is the host and B-side the device. The purpose is you don't need a Host such as a PC, Mac, Linux machine. Phones or any device having a Micro-AB port can act as either Host or Device depending which end of the cable you plug into it. Most people are unaware or just too confusing but thats modern technology for ya :-).

  4. Brent Burzycki 23 Feb 2012 Reply

    +John Zaleski holy crap – now I am even confused…..

    The worst part of this unit is their site is terrible… the descriptions are only done via a compatibility page vs. telling you what is on each cable..

  5. Brent Burzycki 25 Feb 2012 Reply

    +Tom Zychowski Which ones are you using?

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