Goodbye old friend

18 Sep 2015 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 20

  1. too soon, I still miss her.

  2. luigi fortuna 18 Sep 2015 Reply


  3. We need a new shuttle

  4. What is name jet?

  5. Kevin Grande 18 Sep 2015 Reply

    This was two years ago 😅 Saw it fly right by my old High School before it landed.

  6. Jan Wat. Rogerson 18 Sep 2015 Reply

    Isnt this amazing

  7. David Cheng 18 Sep 2015 Reply


  8. Ramesh Kumar 18 Sep 2015 Reply


  9. Royce Davis 18 Sep 2015 Reply

    Cool looking mock up

  10. 24/7 Melodies 18 Sep 2015 Reply

    A few tears on Twi____! NASA Shuttle +Brent Burzycki #aviationphotography

  11. Saketh Nambiar 19 Sep 2015 Reply


  12. michel prins 20 Sep 2015 Reply

    are they doing it?

  13. Michael frumento 20 Sep 2015 Reply

    +michel prins doing what

  14. Markus Bickel 20 Sep 2015 Reply

    Cool… That was the last fly…right..! By by..

  15. ccwbee 5 Oct 2015 Reply

    End of a glorious age of manned space flight. Not without its learning curbs though.
    Good bye.

  16. Vismay Soni 7 Oct 2015 Reply

    Nice photography of 747-860 and a sign of friendship between two wild animals

  17. sarathjith k 9 Oct 2015 Reply

    is it space ship

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