I am not really sure I believe that number….. Hmm.. 2 devices synced via SwiftKey cloud…. Hmm.. SwiftKey SwiftKey Keyboard for Android and SwiftKey Note for iPhone and iPad make typing on touchscreens a smarter, easier, more human experience. View this post on Google+
Cool planes run on fuel, this is their gas station……
Cool planes run on fuel, this is their gas station…… This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Dry Ice is Awesome….. It's like science happening right in front of you…
It's like science happening right in front of you… This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Hmm I guess more time has passed than I thought…. Truly amazing where the days go…. And how fast… Guess this is why I did the experiment… To make me look up from the day to day more often.. Frightening how rarely that seems to happen… View this post on Google+
What is your Steampunk Name? Originally shared by +Steampunk Tendencies What is your Steampunk Name ? Check out our community :https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/109129921515735293128/communities/108140587796767189247
What is your Steampunk Name? Reshared post from +Steampunk Tendencies What is your Steampunk Name ? Check out our community :https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/109129921515735293128/communities/108140587796767189247 This post has been reshared 2 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
AC/DC – Thunderstruck – On Bagpipes with Flames shooting out of them.. what could be more awesome..
what could be more awesome.. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
Non destructive editing online…. Nice! Originally shared by +John Nack Google+ Photos: edit your previous edits, and Auto Awesome Effects If you’re afraid of commitment, then you probably don’t edit your photos online 🙂 Reason being: many services overwrite (aka “destroy”) your images during the editing process. So once you save a change, you can’t change your mind. In contrast: Google+ Photos offers non-destructive editing on Android, iOS and Chrome, and it syncs your edits to the cloud. So you can start editing on one device, continue on another, and your originals are always available. Today we’re making the Chrome experience even more flexible by letting you go back and adjust your previous edits. (Commitment-phobes rejoice!) For example: – Suppose you want to re-crop a photo but leave the other effects alone. Or keep your choice of frames, but turn up the brightness and contrast.– Now you can, and you don’t have to start from scratch. Just open your photo in the Chrome editor, click on “Edits,” and you’ll be able to adjust the edits you’ve already made.– When you settle on a look you really like, you can also copy those edits and apply them to another photo. Even […]
In album 2014-06-24 Nice! Reshared post from +John Nack Google+ Photos: edit your previous edits, and Auto Awesome Effects If you’re afraid of commitment, then you probably don’t edit your photos online 🙂 Reason being: many services overwrite (aka “destroy”) your images during the editing process. So once you save a change, you can’t change your mind. In contrast: Google+ Photos offers non-destructive editing on Android, iOS and Chrome, and it syncs your edits to the cloud. So you can start editing on one device, continue on another, and your originals are always available. Today we’re making the Chrome experience even more flexible by letting you go back and adjust your previous edits. (Commitment-phobes rejoice!) For example: – Suppose you want to re-crop a photo but leave the other effects alone. Or keep your choice of frames, but turn up the brightness and contrast.– Now you can, and you don’t have to start from scratch. Just open your photo in the Chrome editor, click on “Edits,” and you’ll be able to adjust the edits you’ve already made.– When you settle on a look you really like, you can also copy those edits and apply them to another photo. Even if […]
Finally… A solution to Canon vs. Nikon…..
A solution to Canon vs. Nikon….. This post has been reshared 48 times on Google+ View this post on Google+
View this post on Google+
Nicely done Mother Nature
Nicely done Mother Nature This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ View this post on Google+