What is with Google wallet compatibility

02 Jun 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 17

  1. As with must sucking things with Android, it mostly boils down to the carriers getting their money grabbing paws on everything. They are all trying to figure out how to make their own payment gateways and don't want Wallet to get a foothold before they are ready.

    Why do they lock roms so you can not remove the bloat ware they install on your phone too? Make out experiences worse so they can cash in as much as possible.

  2. Brent Burzycki 2 Jun 2013 Reply

    Is anything compatible… Clearly Verizon is one that is not..

  3. Kevin Gault 2 Jun 2013 Reply

    Verizon blocks it because they have their own in the works. I think it's called Isis. I rooted my phone so so I could side load it. It's amazing too when ppl see me use it. They ask me how I'm doing that.
    But sadly only Petco and McDonald's are using nfc payments.

  4. Stuart Ponder 2 Jun 2013 Reply

    I get the same message on my HTC EVO 3D phone and my carrier is Sprint. I can't tell if its Sprint's doing or a hardware limitation of the phone. Sure would like to know.

  5. Brent Burzycki 2 Jun 2013 Reply

    NFC can be an interesting beast… 

  6. +Stuart Ponder I believe the phone does not have NFC. NFC is still pretty new, and a lot of brand new phones still don't have it. But it's coming. 😛


  7. Kevin Gault 2 Jun 2013 Reply

    If your phone has NFC it is possible to use Google Wallet. But the cell providers are blocking the app from being installed or I should say not allowing it as it accesses a security portion of the phone by Google.
    Cell companies use that as an excuse but this is why:

  8. Kevin Gault 2 Jun 2013 Reply

    +Nick Young-Soares NFC isn't new, but manufacturers have been super slow to provide it to the U.S. market for some reason. Heck there are vending machines in Japan that uses it and Europe too. Only a few retailers use it in the U.S. sadly.

  9. Brent Burzycki 2 Jun 2013 Reply

    Because the US is slow to adopt anything… Becase vendors know most Americans will not read instructions and complain when they cannot use their devices…. Leading to massive support costs…

  10. chris burzycki 2 Jun 2013 Reply

    Thank Verizon for botching updates and blocking functions on your "google" phone.

  11. Kevin Gault 2 Jun 2013 Reply

    More than just Verizon, any cell provider putting locks and bloatware on phones. Verizon is just the most blatant with it.

  12. Brent Burzycki 2 Jun 2013 Reply

    Better than being a secretive pos….. At least I know what I am getting with Verizon.. Mostly screwed

  13. Kevin Gault 2 Jun 2013 Reply

    Hands up for rooting thru XDA! No crapware necessary.

  14. Kevin Gault 3 Jun 2013 Reply

    Verizon, Sprint, At&t and T-Mo don''t allow Google Wallet. They are holding it off for Iris to be effective nationwide since they have part ownership in it.

  15. Edward Patten 3 Jun 2013 Reply

    Sprint does, I have it working out of the box. Happened around May 15th or so. 

  16. chris burzycki 4 Jun 2013 Reply

    Mines worked on sprint for the past year.

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