What do you all think about this new Camera Retention Product? I will have one in…

24 Sep 2013 admin In G+ Posts
What do you all think about this new Camera Retention Product? I will have one in the next day or two.. ala Kickstarter.. so we shall see what the outcome is… knowing my luck I ordered the wrong one.. and I do not see hanging my D300S with grip and a 70/200 on it.. but the video below is pretty close to my setup with the 14/24

+Frederick Van Johnson have you talked about this thing on the show yet?

I know +Chris Chabot has one I believe.. I think he was saying positive things about it…

Reshared post from +Brent Burzycki

Very interesting new Camera Retention system What do you think…? Might be a new solutions for hiking with your camera…

Carry your camera on any strap or belt. Features a new stream-lined
and ultra-light design, with an attractive price to match. Includes a standard quick release plate.


Comments: 14

  1. Kev Isabeth 24 Sep 2013 Reply

    waiting for mine to arrive, but as I am in Ireland it might be a while longer. Mine is for a D700…. so crossed fingers it works  🙂

  2. Brent Burzycki 24 Sep 2013 Reply

    This is one of the more interesting products released lately…..

  3. Zach Blackwood 24 Sep 2013 Reply

    I just got my version 2 last week. Haven't had a chance to use it really yet. I do however have the first version and use/used it A LOT.  I love it.  I shoot with a D7000 and a variety of lenses with my largest being a 50-150 2.8 (just slightly smaller than a 70-200 size wise).  It holds that securely and doesn't feel at all like it will fall off or be insecure. 

    I've done some light trail riding with v1 and no issues what so ever, along with hikes and stuff of that variety.

    I haven't tried using it with a grip, but I think it would work just fine, but the weight being pushed further from the body may give it a different feel than no-grip closer.

    The second version holds just as well, feels a lot better when being used in my very very brief tests at home.

    My only gripe with both is that it doesn't fit over thick backpack straps without a lot of work. Fits over my Clik Elite Obscura 130 bag, but not my Rotation 180 strap.
    If they came with longer screws I would be much happier, but once it's in place, it stays.

    Definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a convenient way to have quick access to your camera.

    You'll be real happy with it!

  4. Brent Burzycki 24 Sep 2013 Reply

    +Zach Blackwood I know many pack double strap the straps to allow for Extra accessory packs etc… Have you asked them about longer screws as an option..

  5. Zach Blackwood 24 Sep 2013 Reply

    I have not contacted them to ask about that…. yet….but will do so soon 😉

    My newest bag the Rotation 180 has some accessory loops on the strap which work great, just doesn't quite sit as solidly as it does when clamped to the strap itself. So it's a very minor issue really.

  6. Brent Burzycki 24 Sep 2013 Reply

    Ah because the clamps flat against the chest…. I can see that being a minor stability change..

  7. Dave Bell 24 Sep 2013 Reply

    I just got notified today that mine is in the batch just shipped, so I hope to see it in a couple of days.

  8. J. Henry Goins 24 Sep 2013 Reply

    I was in Reno recently and I remember walking into Gordon's camera shop and seeing this or something similar.

  9. D. Travis North 24 Sep 2013 Reply

    Looks like a Spider Holster to me. In fact, i think the Spider Holster is a better design (more versatile).

  10. Al Steffen 24 Sep 2013 Reply

    I got mine last week also. So far I am rather looking it in the little time I have had to play with it. I have it attached to my adjustable strap currently, as I do not use backpacks. Even then it is handy and I can still attach it to my belt without too much fuss. It also allows faster attaching and detaching from my tripod.

  11. Brent Burzycki 26 Sep 2013 Reply

    +Zach Blackwood their Pro-Pad comes with longer screws.. I got that as part of my kickstarter option… they are definitely longer and the pro-pad does seem to help spread the load out on the larger camera bodies…


  12. Zach Blackwood 26 Sep 2013 Reply

    That's good to know +Brent Burzycki!  I asked them via twitter yesterday about plans for a longer screw and they said  they do have plans and it should be available soon.

    I was considering the Pro-Pad but I only use it on a chest strap on a backpack so far, but having another good option available may encourage different uses too.

  13. Brent Burzycki 26 Sep 2013 Reply

    That pad is actually shown for use on the backpack strap also…

  14. Zach Blackwood 27 Sep 2013 Reply

    It is shown indeed, I made that reply before watching the video and assumed it didn't work that way.  If the screws are long enough to fit over an abnormally large strap, then it would work great for what I want, and have more options than just longer screws themselves.

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