Well the ultimate compliment to get as a photographer is to have someone buy your work (no matter the price paid) – but it goes a step further when they decorate their sons room with them… and then send photos
I have found a new market for Aviation prints…. 2-10 y/o's that like Jets…!
Well their parents…
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Very nice return…
Sweet! Now that is a good feeling 🙂
That is so sweet of them! congratulations!
very cool
The boy will grow up to be both a pilot and a photographer, no doubt.
Well as his Dad told me today.. he likes Jets but when I took him to the air show he freaked out…
Maybe this year that will change..
This is two fold for me… yes I sold a few prints.. but being able to expose our military in a positive light to young kids is a great plus for me as a kid of an Air Force dad that lived in the USAF for over 20+ years of duty.
But on a business side it is honestly not a avenue I ever thought of even looking at… gladly they looked at it for me…
Youngsters all way's want to become Fireman Pilot or policeman isn't?
that's awesome! congrats!!
That's cool! Congrats! Nice photos!
Thx everyone for the comments and pluses…. They are appreciated…