Want to check out how news used to be done? Scroll through this cool archive..

15 Mar 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 2

  1. Stuart Ponder 15 Mar 2014 Reply

    This turned out to be kinda cool. I followed the link to the newspaper collection and then searched for Titanic. I read the coverage done by the Boston News Transcript and was surprised at how cheerful the coverage was on the first day. The initial reports were along the lines of "The Titanic sent out a distress signal last night and then suddenly stopped, so everything must be great again."

  2. Brent Burzycki 15 Mar 2014 Reply

    News was different back then…… But clearly the ads were still king….. I will say some of the small town papers are fun reading when the biggest thing to happen all week was the visit by a family member or someone from the "big city" was the biggest story of the week…

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