Welcome to the following:
+Bill Irwin +Amanda Recker +Kirk Shorte +Stuart Guss +Corrie Brookhouse +Ken Berry +Thom Peters +Kevin Jacobson +Scott Story +Dean Farrell +Allan Sturm +Jake Easley +Scott Hortop +Jamal Williams +Bill Moisuk +Lawrence del Mundo +Tobias Roybal
List resides here:
And here: http://gpc.fm/l/glamour
And is maintained by me… so if you want to be added let me know….
Post up your favorite glamour shot and lets get some photos in the pipeline… critiques? Need help? post it up..
Hopefully I will not get in trouble for the photo….. it's a bit more racy… and that's not like car racy…..
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Do you have the best job or what ! 😉
+Marvin Hayes well when you pick a hobby…. might as well pick one you can enjoy….
I was thinking about going into body painting.
+Brent Burzycki I was always afraid I would enjoy it too much ! 😉
+Emmett Lollis you and everyone else… or are you being serious? 🙂
+Emmett Lollis No don't do it ! Painting sucks ! 😉 Glamor photography that's where it's at ! 😉
+Emmett Lollis LOL I bought a airbrush a few days ago! +Brent Burzycki thanks for including me.
+Brent Burzycki I know a couple guys over on that other social networking site that do body painting. I think it would be a cool job but I'm way too introverted and I'm afraid they would be turned off by the drool coming out of my mouth.
+Emmett Lollis 🙂 – as with anything it becomes a job after awhile… and if you do the job badly – you end up with a bad name – thus why many are not in any industry thats related to nudity etc unless you can switch that off…
It's not easy.. just have to rearrange the priorieties on those days….
Oh +Emmett Lollis I thought you said "Painting" not " Body Painting " ! body painting Yah ! Now that's a job ! 😉
I see what you mean though ! just one model gets annoyed . Maybe has a crush and there goes your career ! Just imagine body painting ! inappropriate touching ? ! I mean how could one tell ! ? ;-/
+Milan Sabo yes i will agree….she makes the photo…
wooow.. speechless…
uauu…lovely tones
Thanks for all the +1's – +Milan Sabo +Allan Sturm +Tobias Roybal +Scott Hortop +ankur upadhyay +James Tran +Lissa Santos +Abhishek Suresh +Jake Easley +David Shimabukuro +Marvin Hayes +Eric James Leffler +Chris Westcott +Neil Camara – and the few others that are not coming up for some reason….
Thanks for Sharing +Brent Burzycki! Keep them coming! 🙂
I love the strings. Very sexy!