I guess it made financial sense somehow to cancel this plane. But I couldn't have done it. I blame the Clintons .. maybe
Of course I always read the articles in Pop. Mech. and other magazines about how great the next planes were always going to be. But they never ended up building any of those.
+Joseph French the YF-12 was the Fighter /Interceptor version of the A-12. 3 were made as prototypes before that program was canceled. The RS-71 was the military controlled version of the A-12.
That's one very sexy plane!
I remember in late 1967 it (YF-12) drop-in (Tyndell AFB, Fl) sound like a small earthquake…Later named SR-71
Black bird
I guess it made financial sense somehow to cancel this plane. But I couldn't have done it. I blame the Clintons .. maybe
Of course I always read the articles in Pop. Mech. and other magazines about how great the next planes were always going to be. But they never ended up building any of those.
The 71 still stands as the pinnacle of aviation.
Magnificent creature. Uh, I mean creation.
Satellites killed this plane.. But I am sure there is something flying we know nothing about..
Beautiful American built SR-71 .. Haabuu Haabuu
omg beauty
+Joseph French I've heard stories about that takeoff.
It don't get any better than this.
I have several pictures of the black bird when it came to Toronto for an airshow in the early 80s.
wow jast wow
SR-71 Blackbird amazing for 190 tech. just imagine what we probably have today.
+Joseph French the YF-12 was the Fighter /Interceptor version of the A-12. 3 were made as prototypes before that program was canceled. The RS-71 was the military controlled version of the A-12.