
10 Dec 2015 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 33

  1. Kamal Tailor 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    The Bay Area Sea Monster??
    Doesn't quite have the same ring to it as the Caspian Sea Monster

  2. Holy Moly!

  3. Danny Quizon 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    Maybe the Navy thought the ocean would be calm enough each time they needed to land this plane? ⚓

  4. +Kamal Tailor достаточно посмотреть видео с самолетом БЕ- 200. Он и плавает и летает.

  5. Kamal Tailor 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    Ekranoplane. Or ground effect plane

  6. Eleana Campoverde 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    Beautiful post. Thanks friend 🌹 🌿

  7. Martin T 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    Imaginary airplane…not real !

  8. Sime'on Mayfield 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    It would be very crazy if it was real.

  9. Ruth Wyatt 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    WHOAH!! That looks amazing.. and dangerous. :p

  10. Jimena Ernandes 10 Dec 2015 Reply


  11. George Beckingham 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    Russia built several ekranoplans, but they didn't last long.

  12. Show essa aeronave.

  13. Chris Moudy 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    Should be a great transport attachment for uber valuable cargoes !

  14. Brando Phoenix 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    Interesting documentary on the Soviet version of this. I believe it was designed for troop transport to be used in an all out assault on an enemy.

  15. Brando Phoenix 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    +Danny Quizon It does not fly. It's a hydroplane.

  16. George Beckingham 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    Actually a WIG (wing in ground-effect) plane flies at an altitude of about half its wingspan. It takes advantage of the much greater lift at that height. They're always shown over water because that's the only place it's possible to fly at that height.

  17. Danny Quizon 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    +Brando Phoenix Oh okay. It's like Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose. 😀 👍

  18. George Beckingham 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    Not a bad comparison, actually. The Goose never got out of ground effect, and never really proved its airworthiness.

  19. Brando Phoenix 10 Dec 2015 Reply

    +Danny Quizon Yeah kind of. It barely elevates above the water. Soviets would test their version on the Black Sea I believe. I also believe it was a highly classified project by the Soviets. It was designed for blitzkrieg mass invasions.

  20. Benjamin Mcknelly 11 Dec 2015 Reply

    Very funny

  21. Michel Furkins 11 Dec 2015 Reply


  22. Michel Furkins 11 Dec 2015 Reply

    My name is Michael furkins

  23. Most expensive jet ski ever

  24. Todd Green 11 Dec 2015 Reply

    Looks like it would burn fuel really quickly, so not much range.

  25. Arch Awesomist 11 Dec 2015 Reply

    Reverse that picture man!

  26. Ike Rouse 18 Dec 2015 Reply

    It's not just a job! It's an adventure.

  27. Todd Green 18 Dec 2015 Reply

    I was in the Navy for a bit. After you get in, they tell you "It's not just an adventure! It's a job."

  28. Ike Rouse 18 Dec 2015 Reply

    Rota, Spain in the mid eighties, and back when i was in school here in the states i thought the old navy commercial said it the other way around before i joined.

  29. Todd Green 18 Dec 2015 Reply

    Funny, guess where I am right now? Rota Spain 😉

  30. Danny Quizon 18 Dec 2015 Reply

    +Todd Green ¡Feliz Navidad! 🎅

  31. Ike Rouse 18 Dec 2015 Reply

    No shit! Wow it's really a beautiful place. I'm sure things are still the same..

  32. Kimberly Yancey 22 Dec 2015 Reply

    Roll tide auburn sucks

  33. Kizzy Ealem 31 Jan 2016 Reply

    L by the way

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