This photo is in memory of what San Ramon, CA used to offer for fireworks yearly. Thank you budget cuts and the loss of many large business donations and businesses to the area.. we now get to watch them on TV

05 Jul 2014 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 3

  1. Elizabeth Hahn 5 Jul 2014 Reply

    I can't go to the ones I normally go to because they cancelled because the boat launch is waaaaaaay above the water line 🙁 That and it's drier than dry.

  2. Brent Burzycki 5 Jul 2014 Reply

    Yep… Sucks.. And I am just not up to trekking into SF….

  3. Elizabeth Hahn 5 Jul 2014 Reply

    +Brent Burzycki there's another show at another lake. But they limit the number of attendees, I was too late. And it was rather expensive. I'm back home watching all my neighbor's fireworks 🙂

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