This is easily the best notification toggle app out there for ics and jelly bean…….

15 Oct 2012 admin In G+ Posts
This is easily the best notification toggle app out there for ics and jelly bean…. Now with NFC toggle something we all should be turning off when not in use… 

MoreQuicklyPanel is the customizable toggle widget at a notification panel. More toggle buttons at the same space by multi-page feature. The page switching animation is cool. The status bar icon shows…

Comments: 5

  1. Chris Sewell 15 Oct 2012 Reply

    Why turn off NFC?

  2. Brent Burzycki 15 Oct 2012 Reply

    Power Savings and lack of decent security practices…. I assume they will both get much better as time goes on…

  3. Chris Sewell 15 Oct 2012 Reply

    Because any interaction over NFC requires a user physically controlling both devices, and decent security practices would mean you had a lockscreen… there isn't much you can do with NFC. It's not like an NFC credit card. You can't send or receive things over nfc from a locked device.

    NFC at idle takes up extremely minimal power consumption, it's unlikely you'd notice a difference.

  4. Brent Burzycki 15 Oct 2012 Reply

    Well it seems it is in how the developer might implement the nfc option… Thus bad implementation could be an issue…. I am no pro by any means but I look at it as an interesting new thing to figure out how to exploit… Or hack… Now thankfully activation distance is so much shorter than blue tooth but since it is new it will be the new thing to try to hack…. Also I am pretty sure that by default transactions are not encrypted…. But I could be wrong on that I need to research it more as that was told to me and I trust no one without looking it up…

  5. Chris Sewell 15 Oct 2012 Reply

    If the device is locked, NFC can't be interacted with afaik. The attacker would need physical access to the device. In order to do anything malicious with the device, the device being attacked would already need malicious software on it. Accepting files over nfc isn't actually done over NFC, it setups wifi direct. This can't be done with a locked device. And even then, the device being attacked needs to accept the file. Requiring user input and again requiring physical access to the device.

    The only thing you can do over NFC to a device without user input is read an nfc tags info. All this does is displays what's written to the tag. It executes nothing. And in order to view that info, the device would need to be once again unlocked.

    Lock your device, leave NFC enabled. Problem(s) solved.

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