This is actually pretty interesting for a charging option for a phone or device…to always have with you on your keyring.. – A bit pricey… might need to pick one up and see if its worth it – Anyone have one of these already?

27 May 2014 admin In G+ Posts


Always have a cable on you.
Chargekey is your Micro USB cable, now the shape of a house key. It’s designed to fit onto your keychain so you’ll always have a Samsung Galaxy cable on you. Use ChargeKey to charge/sync your smartphone from any USB port.


Comments: 3

  1. Darren Krusi 27 May 2014 Reply

    Didn't know Samsung Galaxy phones had a proprietary micro USB connection

  2. Brent Burzycki 27 May 2014 Reply

    Well its a USB3 but you can use just the micro to charge…

  3. Darren Krusi 27 May 2014 Reply

    No I just find it amusing that they highlight the Samsung Galaxy, I understand its a popular phone but at the same time there are many devices, many that aren't even phones that charge via a micro usb connection.

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