things I never thought my thermostat would ever say

01 Dec 2012 admin In G+ Posts Tags: ,

Comments: 3

  1. Humberto Gauna 1 Dec 2012 Reply

    Do you like it?

  2. Chris Koller 1 Dec 2012 Reply

    I'd like to know your opinion on it, +Brent Burzycki… I'm rebuilding my house after Sandy and wondering if I should install this.

  3. Brent Burzycki 1 Dec 2012 Reply

    I will say.. So far it is one of the nicest pieces of tech I have seen lately… It looks like it takes about a week to learn your routine. Then you can edit the schedule via the Web or on the thermostat….

    It is also pretty much the sexiest looking thing I have seen as far as a thermostat…

    But so far the best thing was sitting in bed after forgetting to turn the heat off and my lazy butt reaching for the phone and turning it off with the app… The app works on Android and iOS and now on Android tablets..

    I thought it was cracked when I first picked it up…. But there is a sensor plate on the bottom half that I assume is the way it is to be invisible to the sensors…

    For the 2hours I have used it I would recommend it… But I bought it based on the recommendation of 3 friends that have them and love them…

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