There be weather in California

23 Dec 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 5

  1. Onny Carr 23 Dec 2012 Reply

    Keep it up there! We don't want it in LA!

  2. Brent Burzycki 23 Dec 2012 Reply

    I will try…. no promises….  🙂

  3. Dobie Wollert 23 Dec 2012 Reply

    Yeah, we have weather once or twice a year.

  4. Brent Burzycki 23 Dec 2012 Reply

    I wish it was more often… Then all the fair weather Californians would leave…

  5. Stuart Ponder 23 Dec 2012 Reply

    Exactly. I saw what was coming and decided to run to Atlanta for a week. I'm sure the weather will be better there.

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