The new 100 dollar bill is quite the interesting piece of work…. « Thanksgiving I am sort of amazed how many naked people are on Vine »
It is a bit fussy….
I am not thinking I like the funkadelic stripe…
Heh. I was kind of thinking that was the least of it's problems
Ben doesn't look impressed.
He is like…. Hmmm.. What's with this line right here…
Color is the new green…
it's about time you guys got some colour…
+Sandra Parlow yeh its been a long time coming.. but honestly it should have been even more interesting in my opinion…
true… its kind of . yellow face and orange jacket? looks like the printers had a bad day.
no thats just the photo… its pretty much USD green with only a tiny splash of color..
Oh ok. I see then
+Bill Zinck As long as the Fed is printing it of coarse it still fake lol
"Ben" looks pissed.
You know, I can't tell if that is real or fake. Could you send a pile of them to me for closer examination and testing please?
+Wing Wong
I would bet Ben would be very pissed indeed..
Ben Franklin has always had that expression on the hundred! This one may show a little more detail, but that's good.
I do agree that we still need more color.
The AU has a very colorful currency and made with layer plastics. Very hard to counter and does not ware out as ours does.