Take a second to check out a fellow photographer and friends G+ profile and give him some input… As we all know – followers make G+ much more fun, interactive and helpful – especially to photographers… So follow a fellow photographer +Thomas B – we all need inspiration and G+ has been mine for over a year plus now… mainly because of all my great G+ fellowers…. that sounds better than followers, as most I know here are not actually followers but more leaders…
Reshared post from +Thomas B
Spent two days in Yosemite for the Thanksgiving holiday. Attended a 90 minute photo walk with Kirk Keeler, one of the staff photographers at the Ansel Adams Gallery. Our group of 10 or so photographers had everything from kids with point-and-shoot cameras to guys with pro-grade DSLRs with 100-400mm lens. Kirk did a nice job of using Ansel's photos to discus lighting and composition as we walked around Cook's Meadow and Sentinal Bridge.
If you're visiting Yosemite, check the activities guide (I think they call it a "camera walk.") Good chance that many of the tips will be review, but always nice to get some tips on different locations and best times to shoot.