Such an important plane in our military inventory and not only for its military duties but for its humanitarian duties also..
Galaxy C5B Travis AFB, CA – Might make a good wallpaper for those that like big iron….well aluminum….
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One jinormous, and sexy, beast.
I grew up just south of the Lockheed plant in Marietta, Georgia where the C5As were built. When these would go for their initial flights they would take off and pass directly over our house. They were so big, every window in the house would rattle as they approached. We would run outside to watch them and they seemed to slowly crawl across the sky. As the plane would pass the noise from the engines was so strong you could feel it in your chest. I was always amazed that something that massive could stay in the sky.
Balls 08
+Stuart Ponder I believe it has something like 1000lbs of paint on it….
Thanks to all for the plus 1s…..
Landing gear looks mean. Has to be to carry those kinds of payloads.
Imagine the fuel consumed by that plane!
+Rory LunBeck it gets .07 mpg