+Aleksander Wostrikow only because we don't need it to fly anymore. trust me, if we thought we needed it, we would be using it. We have plenty of jets that are very useful beyond their expected lifetime that are still in service. Most notably, the B-52's and A-10's and our F-15's and 16's are hardly babies. Yet still extremely effective.
+Aleksander Wostrikow your 31 is nothing more than a barely held together scud. It's nowhere near as fast as the sr71 on any day and the f22 would wipe the floor with it in speed, stealth and maneuverability. The only jets your country has ever built that worth anything were the 19, 21, and 27. Our dinosour of the 15 would slaughter your 29. Your country is impressive with durability and being able to build things from scrap heaps. But don't kid yourself. They haven't had anything superior in arms since the ak.
+Bruce Anderson утешай себя, утешай))) технология стелс уже не панацея. миг 31 снимает с легкостью ф22. ты прочитай характеристики к радару миг31. черный дрозд был снят с вооружения американской армии сразу после появления миг31, так как этот разведчик стал бесполезным. а ф22, как и ф35 – дорогой металлолом.
31 is nothing but engine. No vectored thrust. Barely comparable to 15 ,only less maneuverable. Doesn't even come close to speed and maneuverability of 22
+Bruce Anderson Миг 31 не нужен изменяемое сопло. он не предназначен для маневра. его главная цель снять цель на удалении. Самый мощный радар у миг 31. и по скорости, миг 31 имеет скорость имеет 3М. это самолеты разных классов и ф22 сосет носок.
+John Rambo …they never did cure the leaking, it stops during expansion in flight..they've never been too concerned about it though, as the fuel isn't very volatile, they say if you threw a bucket full onto a camp fire it would put the campfire out…don't think I'd like to try that though… ;- )
+wood dragon That is insane! Does the type of fuel have something to do with designers knowing it was going to leak? Or maybe the fuel is not as volatile due to it having to deal with freezing temperatures for long periods of time at high altitudes?
+Brando Phoenix …I believe it was that the materials available at the time could only do one thing or the other, withstand the extreme temperature differences or seal the tanks – so Lockheed had to choose, once in flight the expansion sealed the tanks…When traveling supersonically, the fuel was also used as a heat sink….they used the same idea in the Concorde…(though Concorde didn't leak fuel – better materials available by then perhaps) FYI…I'm no expert, just an enthusiastic amateur…you'd certainly find better more detailed explanation of how it works from someone more knowledgeable in the science and engineering world… :- )
Here the mystic spy US airplane, SR 71. Many incredibles world records couldn't never won before a long time. It's my favourite plane from the technology, design and all silence around it. A legendary name ; Blackbird
Been there and seen that!
I've heard this bird would leak fuel when on the ground, because it was designed to expand from heat. Is that accurate?
They r badass
+John Rambo Yes, just enough on board for takeoff and rendezvous with tanker.
+Mike LeTourneau All be damned, thank you Sir.
+John Rambo да ты прав. Топливо не горело от спички.
Beautiful plane
Um dos mais feras que ja vi!..
I saw one in Huntsville Alabama, at the space museum.
It's called a black bird, world's fastest plane ever
SR-71 code name ox cart
You can read a censored copy of the SR-71 flight manual online. Lots of aspects of the plane are still classified even after all these years.
How fast is it cool
One angry looking blackbird
корыте это не летает. это экспонат. а миг 25 и миг 31, летают.
+John Rambo yes
+steve Franklin officially somewhere around mach 3? I think. I met a pilot who claimed they were actually capable of 7 or 8
+Aleksander Wostrikow only because we don't need it to fly anymore.
trust me, if we thought we needed it, we would be using it. We have plenty of jets that are very useful beyond their expected lifetime that are still in service. Most notably, the B-52's and A-10's and our F-15's and 16's are hardly babies. Yet still extremely effective.
+Bruce Anderson сокол и орёл.)))))) не смеши меня. Старте. Устаревшее.
Ugly like a sea monster
Great plane
Wish I could drive it one time!
Lo mejor
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! THE SR71 BLACK BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY ALL TIME FAVORITE JET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Bruce Anderson the top speed was classified, but the cruzing spead was mach 3.
+Leon John worlds fastest maned arcraft actually. But yes
+Aleksander Wostrikow your 31 is nothing more than a barely held together scud. It's nowhere near as fast as the sr71 on any day and the f22 would wipe the floor with it in speed, stealth and maneuverability. The only jets your country has ever built that worth anything were the 19, 21, and 27. Our dinosour of the 15 would slaughter your 29. Your country is impressive with durability and being able to build things from scrap heaps. But don't kid yourself. They haven't had anything superior in arms since the ak.
+Bruce Anderson
утешай себя, утешай))) технология стелс уже не панацея. миг 31 снимает с легкостью ф22. ты прочитай характеристики к радару миг31.
черный дрозд был снят с вооружения американской армии сразу после появления миг31, так как этот разведчик стал бесполезным.
а ф22, как и ф35 – дорогой металлолом.
31 is nothing but engine. No vectored thrust. Barely comparable to 15 ,only less maneuverable. Doesn't even come close to speed and maneuverability of 22
+Bruce Anderson
Миг 31 не нужен изменяемое сопло. он не предназначен для маневра. его главная цель снять цель на удалении. Самый мощный радар у миг 31. и по скорости, миг 31 имеет скорость имеет 3М. это самолеты разных классов и ф22 сосет носок.
Just as fast, uses less fuel doing it, and maneuverable.
+Bruce Anderson сравни дальность и радиус действия. И ты узнаешь, что миг 31 летает дальше, выше, быстрее. Он видео дальше и стреляет дальше чем ф22
+John Rambo
…they never did cure the leaking, it stops during expansion in flight..they've never been too concerned about it though, as the fuel isn't very volatile, they say if you threw a bucket full onto a camp fire it would put the campfire out…don't think I'd like to try that though… ;- )
+wood dragon That is insane! Does the type of fuel have something to do with designers knowing it was going to leak? Or maybe the fuel is not as volatile due to it having to deal with freezing temperatures for long periods of time at high altitudes?
+Brando Phoenix
…I believe it was that the materials available at the time could only do one thing or the other, withstand the extreme temperature differences or seal the tanks – so Lockheed had to choose, once in flight the expansion sealed the tanks…When traveling supersonically, the fuel was also used as a heat sink….they used the same idea in the Concorde…(though Concorde didn't leak fuel – better materials available by then perhaps) FYI…I'm no expert, just an enthusiastic amateur…you'd certainly find better more detailed explanation of how it works from someone more knowledgeable in the science and engineering world… :- )
+wood dragon Cool dude thanks.
Here the mystic spy US airplane, SR 71. Many incredibles world records couldn't never won before a long time.
It's my favourite plane from the technology, design and all silence around it. A legendary name ; Blackbird
My all-time favourite aircraft, can't get enough.
Show. ..magnífico. ..
Grande , bellissimo aereo , fa ancora molto. Paura